
Monday, May 31, 2010

Beachy inspiration

My family takes a big beach vacation for one week every August. As I was thinking about what I wanted my next project to be, I thought maybe I should make a big bright quilt to take to the beach! Sun, sand, surf and a big bright colored quilt to lay on...sounds perfect. So then I was stuck with the big task of deciding what design to make. I've really liked using the half square triangles, and liked the rail fence pattern, but I wanted to try something I haven't done before. I've been wanting to try a log cabin pattern, and in scouring Flickr and my favorite quilting blogs, I found this:
It's a quilt from Red Pepper Quilts. I love this design, and am using this layout as my inspiration.

I'm thinking of doing the log cabin blocks as color blocks in blue, green, yellow, pink, red, orange in purple

these are my completed blue blocks...

My blocks will be 10 inches x 10 inches and I'm planning on the finished quilt to be 80 inches x 80 inches (eek! by far the largest quilt I've made). I'm trying to use most fabric from my "stash" (its amazing how much fabric I've accumulated after quilting for less than 6 months!) I have my strips cut for the green blocks and am going to piece them in the next few days...stay tuned!


  1. Wow, that is a BIG beach quilt ! I wouldn't want to get it dirty, it's going to be so luscious.
    At first, I thought it was all going to be in the ocean blues, but this is going to mix it up a bit.........keep us coming back to see, huh?

  2. haha yes! keeping things interesting! I just have this vision of bright bright colors and contrasting black and white...there is a good possibility i'll be too scared to get it dirty at the beach, but ill have a BIG quilt that (hopefully) I'll love!
