
Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Wave Quilt Top

My New Wave quilt top is complete!  I used Oh Fransson!'s new wave quilt tutorial featured on her website, and adjusted the number of columns/rows until my top measured 43 inches x 47 inches.

I also purchased the Darlene Zimmerman "Fat Cats" ruler, as Elizabeth mentioned instead of the plastic template.  I found the ruler at Joann's, and when I purchased it, it was 50% off, but even with a 40% coupon, I dont think the ruler is more than $7 or $8. 

I wasn't originally planning on using the brown fabric on the top and bottom, but I realized as I started piecing the columns together, that my "guesstimate" measurements were falling short of how big I wanted this quilt to be.  In order to keep the symmetry, I added a brown row to both the top and bottom. 

I was able to get outside today while there was still some daylight left and snap these pictures, usually by the time I come home from work and get to a picture taking point, the sun has long ago set. 

Hopefully the quilt backs will come together in the next few days, so I can start quilting this and the mini stacked coins quilt.  I'm thinking one of these quilts will feature some loopy quilting for a change of pace!  Stay tuned!!

I will be linking this post  to Canoe Ridge Creations Sew Modern Monday, stop by and see all the awesome modern creations!

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations


  1. Looks great! This reminds me that I have a new wave quilt all basted and waiting for some quilting love.....eventually!

  2. Love this Jess. I have this design on my to-do list as well. I bought the extended version! I do like the colours you used in yours. I have never seen the Fat Cats ruler over here so will have a hunt for it online. I see Elizabeth gives a link for it anyway.

  3. Your quilt top looks great. I really like that new wave pattern, I'll have to try it one of these days.

  4. You made good time on this top ! I like the way that the brown looks in this quilt.

    Yeh, you'll have the nerve to do the loopy now, after trying it out already !

    Successful quilting to you this week !

  5. I like the way that brown row frames the quilt. Super cute.

  6. This is beautiful! I love the pattern and your fabric choices!

  7. It looks great - I like the brown, it really sets off the other rows. Nice job!

  8. Beautiful! That 2d zoo fabric is one of my all-time favorites! Your quilt is so lovely! I will have to keep that ruler in mind, thanks!

  9. Love this! Especially that brown, yummy! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday! Have a great week!
