
Sunday, February 20, 2011

swap-y things

I think the ladies at the post office are beginning to know my face, as it seems that visiting the post office seems to make it onto my to do list on Saturdays more times than not.  They are even beginning to know that there is fabric in my packages before asking the standard "are there liquids or perishables in here?" to which I always answer, "No, its fabric."

I had a few things to ship out this Saturday, including my Scrappy Mug Rug package.  Along with my hexagon mug rug, I sent along some fat quarters of Meadowsweet, and a cute little hexagon needle case I made using this tutorial from My Three Sons

These are so super simple to put together, I just had to make one for myself as well.  Now my needles aren't poking out of the outer fabric covering of my sewing case, which served as my "needle holder".  Needless to say I would poke myself at least once per sewing session. 

Here are my needles all snuggled in thier new home.  Hope my partner likes her package!!

In other swapping news, I have finished my quilt top for DQS 10! 

The top measures about 22 inches square and features fabrics from Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley on a background of various neutral greys and tans pulled from my stash. 

I am really pleased with how this turned out.  I ended up cutting each circle block to 6 inches square, so that when finished, each circle with background measures 5 1/2 inches square.

I have it proudly displayed on my design wall for now, as I am at a loss for how to quilt it.  I am thinking of hand quilting it using size 8 pearl cotton thread, but am not 100% sold on the idea...any suggestions??  I really think I want to echo the circle design somehow, whether hand quilting or machine quilting as opposed to an all over free motion design, but I just don't have a solid idea yet.

While I'm asking questions, does anyone have any recommendations for a good disappearing fabric marking pen?  I've never really had to mark my quilting lines before, and I am really looking for something that does not require washing to remove it (if such a think exists)...any input would be much appreciated.  Thanks!!


  1. Oh, I love those needle cases! They are adorable! Your DQS top looks fabulous. Can I be your partner? :)

  2. Oh you've been a busy girl! Needle cases are too cute. Doll quilt is fabulous!!!

  3. I use a Dritz disappearing ink marker. I have one that's air soluble (it really disappears with you need to mark and quilt soon after) on one side and water soluble on the other. What is cool is that if you gently mark your fabric then the water soluble markings disappear even if you simply rub a wet finger over it, no need to even wash! For slightly more stubborn marking simply dipping into a bowl of water does the job too. I love it and use it a lot for drawing embroidery patterns..

  4. your projects are all looking wonderful! the doll quilt circles are sooo precise, I'm impressed! I use the Dritz pen that Sheetal described, and it works just like she described for me too! I use it quite a bit and it is still going strong.

    PS I think hand quilting would look great, highlighting the circles maybe with a line inside and outside the seam?

  5. what a neat ided!!! another you

  6. Hi Jessica!
    I love your doll quilt, and can't wait to see how you quilt it! I love the idea of hand quilting with #8 pearl cotton thread. For fabric marking, I'm sold on the pens from the Purl Bee -- the brand looks like Clover Mfg. Co. Ltd Japan. The best thing is that they have a color on one end and an eraser on the other. The ink does disappear quite fast though, so you might want to only mark a block or two at a time.

  7. On my quilt that is very much like this, I handquilted circles in the circles, using bowls or cups from the kitchen to find the right size. I made one ring about a quarter-inch inside and outside the circles, and then a couple of small rings way inside the circle, about 1/2 inch apart. I also quilted a diamond shape where the four blocks come together, just to flatten that a bit.

    I like to save my small slivers of soap for marking on darker fabrics, but I don't know that they'd help you much here. Otherwise, I don't trust markers anymore.......heard too many horror stories of them coming back later. I use pencils and have to wash........sometimes more than once, but they have such a tradition to them that it doesn't bother me much if they remain for awhile. Some antique quilts have never been washed and still show their markings. That makes me actually feel a kinship with quilters of old.....but then again, unlike you, I AM an OLD QUILTER. LOL !
