
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday {2.9.2011}


If you haven't already, be sure to enter to win my 100th post giveaway for your chance to win either a charm pack of Sunkissed by Sweetwater for Moda, or selection of fat quarters of It's a Hoot by Momo for Moda! 

 See details here


WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I can't believe its another WIP Wednesday already!  I swear the weeks just go by faster and faster.  I actually had quite a few finishes this week, including my New Wave quilt for baby Mason, my Mini Stacked Coins quilt for baby J. J., February's bee blocks for the Simply Strings bee and solids bee, as well as bee blocks for my beehive in the 3 x 6 bee.  Whew, I'm tired just looking at that list! 

New Projects

DQS 10

I've started a few new projects within the past few days, including work on my Doll Quilt for DQS 10.   I have been going back and forth between two ideas in my head, and just haven't been able to commit to starting one or the other.  I think my partner will like either choice, but I'm so afraid she will get my Doll Quilt and look at it and say "what what she thinking?  This is awful!"  Haha.  I don't really think she would say that, but I want to make something she will LOVE! 

I decided to do a mock up of both ideas using up some of my scraps with the hope that seeing both ideas completed in fabric will help me decide (and double bonus, a scrapbuster project for me, and I think I will turn these mock ups into some pillow covers for the living room, or some wall hangings to decorate my sewing room with.) 

My first idea is a mini strings quilt.  I am just using scraps for this little mock up...I was initially thinking of using Central Park for ths project, but I came across a Hope Valley FQ bundle, and I think that will suit my partner a little better, so I think I'm headed in that direction instead.  I went to town cutting teeny tiny strips, about 3/4 inch to 1 1/8 inch.  and turned them into this:

I started with 4 1/2 inch squares of paper, and string pieced my teeny tiny strips with a 3/4 inch wide strip of white as the center (it finisheds a teeny tiny 1/4 inch wide).  This little mini block measures 8 1/2 inches square, only about 21 more teeny tiny squares to go for the finished product!

Amy Butler's Sew Along


I received quite a few gift cards to Barnes and Noble for Christmas this year, and while they come in great use when downloading books to my Nook, I think it would take years to use up these gift cards only on Nook books.  I am typically not one to buy sewing or quilting books, but I came across Amy Butler's Style Stitches, 12 easy ways to 26 wonderful bags at my local Barnes and Noble, it was in my shopping basket before I even thought about it. 

Imagine my surprise when I got home and was checking out blogs in the blog-o-sphere, there is a sew along using this book that began in January 2011, that works through the book, sewing one bag each month!  I'm a little behind, but I figure there are a few bags in this book which I have no desire to make, so I figure I will eventually catch up.

I pulled out some fabric to get started on bag #1, the Cosmo Bag, shown below.

I think I am going to use some of my AMH Innocent Crush yardage I purchased a while back and havent found the perfect project for. 

I'm thinking of using the Loves Me Loves Me Not for the main exterior fabric, and the Woodcut passion for the lining.  Hopefully I'll get the pattern pieces cut out in the next few days and maybe some actual construction on this bag this weekend!

Ongoing Projects

p.s. i quilt's postage stamp quilt along.  This project has kind of fallen by the wayside...I'll get back to it one of these days...

Scrappy Mug Rug Swap  While my mug rug is done, I have a few little "extras" I'm working on to send along to my partner.

Weekly Stats
Completed Projects:  3 (I'm lumping all those bee blocks as one!)
New Projects:  2
Currently in Progress:  4  (not too shabby!)


  1. Wow, you've been a busy girl! Nice job on all your progress this week! I love the mini string quilt - I did almost the exact same thing for the scrappy potholders I gave as Christmas gifts (exact same dimensions and everything! Great minds think alike!)

    Can't wait to see your Cosmo bag, that's going to be fab. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday, have a wonderful week!

  2. I LOVE your mini string quilt, it's beautiful!
    The Amy Butler sew along sounds like fun - and I got the book for Christmas, but haven't had a chance to make any bags yet!

  3. ooh, that bag will be so pretty in the Innocent Crush fabric! Great choice. Love the scrappy block too. I'm so into those right now.

  4. Wow, you sure have been busy!! I must know what those yellow crosshatch-y strips are in your string blocks, I love them! That's too funny about the Sew Along, I've got some yardage of Woodcut in Passion that I'm going to use as the exterior for one of those bags, I just haven't decided which one yet.

  5. String blocks = Awesome
    Small string blocks = Super Awesome!

  6. Looking good! I like your choice for the cosmo bag fabric, but I also have a crush on Innocent Crush :) The mini strings sound like [a lot] of work, but it will be so awesome when it's done!

  7. Very cool stuff! Don't you love Amy Butler?!?!
