
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WIP Wednesday {2.16.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Here we are for another WIP Wednesday!  I know I say it every week, but I can't believe another week has gone by.  I started and finished a few projects this week, including this scrappy strings pillow:

scrappy string pillow

This pillow started as a trial run for an idea I had for my doll quilt for DQS 10:

DQS 10 Idea #1

It's made entirely of scraps from my scraps bin, and I love how bright and cheerful it is.  I wanted to use either Hope Valley or Central Park as the fabrics in my doll quilt, and I am not sure how this strings design will translate to a single line of fabric...

New Projects
DQS 10

So that brings me to this weeks WIP!  It's been all doll quilt all the time this week, I don't like leaving swap items or bee blocks till the last minute, so I've been getting anxious that I don't have anything completed yet for DQS 10

I *think* this is the design I am ultimately going to use.  I think this is a little more up my partner's alley, and, well, I really like it too! 

Right now I have all the pieces cut and up on my design wall.  I used a drunkard's path cutting template, and used Hope Valley for the circle quarters, and neutral greys and tans/beige colors as the background. 

I have already done a trial run of this block using some scraps, and white as the background.  There was definitely a learning curve to pinning and sewing those curved seams, but I think I have it down now.  I wasn't crazy about the boring white as the background of the trial blocks, but I think the varied neutrals adds interest in the background, without being overly busy, or taking away from the focal circle fabrics.  Do you agree? 

I know this looks HUGE right now, but when all is said and done, the blocks will cut down to measure 6 inches square, so the finished product will be 24 inches square.

Ongoing Projects

I think this really should say "stalled" projects.  I'll be honest, I have absolutely no plans to work on these during the next week, so I should just cut, copy, paste this section for next weeks WIP Wednesday!  haha

1.  Amy Butler sew-along.  I'll get to this.  eventually.  I will say this is project numero uno after my  DQS doll quilt is completed!
2.  p.s. i quilt postage stamp quilt along.  As long as this is done by May/June for my cousins bridal shower, all is good.
3.  I'll add this in for good measure...just a few bits a pieces  to add to my scrappy mug rug package to hopefully be mailed out this weekend...(label for the back, and I need one more little handmade goodie to add...)

Be sure to pop on over to Freshly Pieced and check out all the WIPs this fabulous Wednesday!


  1. Fab pillow! It is so cheery!
    Curved seams still intimidate me. I have a hard enough time with straight ones! :)

  2. That pillow is great, it makes me want to raid your scrap bin LOL!

  3. Love the Hope Valley Doll Quilt! I think you are right the greys and neutrals really offset teh Hope Valley fabrics so nicely. That is going to be a lovely quilt. Do one for yourself bigger!

    As for "stalled" projects, we all have them. Maybe we should all trade them and see what we come up with!

  4. I saw this curved piecing project on Flickr and it didn't even register that it was your work. I've done this design a couple of times, and I just love doing it with all scrappy-look, rather than all one color. Yours looks really good, and I'm tickled to see you tackling curved piecing. Good for you....a small project like this becomes a really good teaching tool.
    There are so many ways to lay out those curved blocks that I always have to play for a day before I can decide !

  5. Wow both of these projects are wonderful! I love your bright string pillow and the colors of the drunkard's path quilt are so awesome! Happy WIP Wednesday!

  6. Looking good! I like your use of the varied neutrals - you're right, they add a bit of depth without adding busy. And the strings pillow is fabulous!

  7. Love the pillow and the doll quilt! I feel inspired...

  8. Love that pillow it's fantastic! And your doll quilt idea is wonderful. I'm the same way with swaps and bees. I have to get them out of the way before I can focus on my own projects!

  9. Love that pillow and the circles are really great, they look tricky! You just reminded me I fogot to include my Amy Butler style stitches sew along in my WIP, I totally forgot about it probably because it's totally stalled! Ooops.

  10. I totally heart that pillow, it is so cute!! I know what you mean about sticking with just one fabric line on a string pillow, but I think it will look great. Those circles are gorgeous!

  11. Love the string blocks! And the circles. BOth great looking!

  12. Oh, fabulous string pillow! I think something like that would be cute in one line as well, although all the bright colors in the original will be pretty tough to beat. : )

    And your DQS start is incredible too! I just love the neutral prints you chose for the background with the Hope Valley. Nice!

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday, have a great week.
