
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WIP Wednesday {2.23.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Happy WIP Wednesday!  Here is a peek at whats occupying my sewing space at the current moment:

Ongoing Projects

DQS 10 quilt top
DQS 10

My doll quilt top is complete!  I am really pleased with how this is comming together, it's so great when an idea in your head plays out in fabric just as you'd imagined.  I had a slight fear that the Hope Valley fabrics wouldn't "jump" off the neutral background enough, but I think it really works.  Now I'm just waiting for the cotton pearl thread I ordered to come in the mail so I can get quilting!

Scrappy Mystery Project

 I have an overwhelming amount of scraps which seem to just be exploding from their assigned bins.  Last night, as I was contemplating what I want to start working on next, I decided that now is the time to start a scrap project.  So I just started sewing bits and pieces of my blue scraps that were a square/rectangle-ish in shape together into wonky rows, until I ended up with this behemoth sized block of blue scraps.  I have absolutely no idea what this is going to turn into...well, no, I take that back, the more I look at it, the more I think that  this block is entirely too big, so maybe I'll cutting it down, and maybe doing something a la Stitched in Color's  Bottled Rainbows quilt along she is beginning.  I'm thinking white borders around the scrappyness and  then maybe an additional colored border?  I dunno, I like we'll see where this goes!

This is only about half of my scraps, so there should be limitless possibilities!

Projects in a holding pattern

Postage Stamp Quilt Along quilt
Amy Butler Sew Along...I don't know what it is.   I was so excited to make some of these bags,    but everytime I go to work on it, I am just not in a bag sewing kind of mood.  One of these days.

This weeks Stats:

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
Ongoing Projects: 4

Be sure to stop by Freshly Pieced to check out all the wonderful WIPs!!


  1. Can I please be your DQS partner? Pleeeeease?? : )

    I love that blue block! How big is it exactly? Big blocks are kinda cool sometimes, and at least it would make a really big quilt!

    Thanks for linking up, have a great week!

  2. Love the Hope Valley Quilt! So pretty. I also am thinking about joining the Bottled Rainbows quilt along as I also have so many scraps!

  3. Wow, your DQS quilt is darn near phenomenal!!! Wow!! And I adore how your scrappy block looks, I totally need to do something about my scraps too, I was eyeing Rachel at Stitched in Color's Bottled Rainbow quilt along as a good use for my scraps, but I really like what you're doing too...hmm....

  4. Love the DQS qult top, the circles are so lovely! Need to learn how to do those!

  5. Hope you are bringing your DQ to the meeting tomorrow, I would love to see it in person. Feel free to bring scraps too ;) I have commited to the Rainbow quilt and realized I do NOT have a large variety of scraps yet! LOL

  6. wow, that dqs quilt is wonderful! That's such a fun swap, everyone is making gorgeous stuff. Good luck with all those scraps, they are pretty pretty.

  7. I SO want to be your DQS partner! :) So beautiful!

  8. That blue block is gorgeous! Can't wait to see where that goes.

  9. I love these circle quilts but I am REALLY bad at sewing curves. Maybe I will use this pattern to make a pillow and give it a try... not as scary as a blanket. Love your fabric choices!
