
Monday, August 1, 2011

an update from the farm

After missing last week, I was super eager to get back in the saddle and put together some more blocks for Farmers Wife QAL.  To stay "on track" the goal is to make two blocks per week, with it taking about a year to make all 111 blocks.  I have been making more than two blocks a week, which seems to work for me, as then I am able to skip a week when need be, and still feel "on track".  Here are this weeks blocks:

Block #18 Century of Progess
Block #18 Century of Progress

This block technically should have been done last week, but the templates must have mysteriously grown legs and walked away.  No seriously, I would swear I printed them out, and vaguely remember cutting out those triangles.  Anyways, I skipped over this block last week, and here it is this week.  

I have to say, while its not my favorite, its slowly growing on me.  I think its because I like pattern and symmetry.  While I suppose those pink triangles are symmetrical, they just seem randomly placed to me.  Especially when you turn the block on point.  So its just "eh" for me.  I also wasn't crazy about the fabrics, but they are also growing on me.  The orange is Robert Kaufman Metro Living, the yellow is Sunkissed by Sweetwater for Moda, and  the pink is a random fabric I picked up on my latest trip to my LQS

Block #20 Churn Dash
Block #20 Churn Dash

I actually like this block, nice and simple, but terribly horrible fabric selections on my part.  Really, what was I thinking.  The green totally blends in with the brown, and all you see are turquoise triangles on the corners.  Oh well. I don't dislike it enough to redo it.  The brown is from Central Park by Kate Spain, the green is an Anna Maria Horner Good Folks Print  and the turquoise is scraps from the binding of my DWR quilt.

Block #21 Contrary Wife
Block #21 Contrary Wife

This was another super easy block to put together.  Nice clean and simple.  The greeny-yellow and background fabric is more Central Park and the purple is Joel Dewberry Aviary 2.  

Farmers wife QAL Blocks 1-21

Here are all 21 blocks I have completed so far.  This week's blocks were pretty simple.  I peeked ahead, and next weeks blocks look like a doozy.  Lots and lots of teeny tiny HSTs...   


  1. I really like that first block, I think it's the colors and the symmetry that are calling to me. Great work so far!

  2. Yep, you're right about the next few blocks! I really like your Contrary Wife block, I love that purple JD print :)

  3. Are you planning on setting them on point for your quilt? They look (extra) awesome that way.

  4. I think it will be a while before I feel confident enough to take on a project like FWQ so I am in awe of all of you who did!
