
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WIP Wednesday (8.17.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Before I tell you about what I've been up to, I just want to let everyone know that our dear friend and WIP Wednesday host, Lee has entered one of her adorable fabric design's into  Connecting Thread's fabric design contest!  Her design is called Flourish and is located under the Floral/Botanical section.  You can vote here.  Voting is open through August 31st.  Be sure to hop over and vote for Lee's design!  

As for me, I feel like I've been working on the same few projects for far too many weeks now, and am itching to get things crossed off my list.  Here's what I've been dabbling in this week:

New Projects

Rocco's Garden Fence


These pretty fabrics will soon be turned into a commissioned baby boy quilt.  I love making quilts as gifts, and occasionally will do a commissioned piece for family/friends/coworkers, however my only stipulation is I get to have full (or close to it) creative liberties with what I'm making.  The request was that I use blue and browns, and that the mom is quite "preppy."  I thought these fabrics fit the bill, and will be using Cynthia's Garden Fence block  which I have been dying to try.  Stay tuned!

Completed Projects

DQS 11

I've just about finished doing my happy dance that this mini is finished, and it came together just as I had been picturing in my head!  Now just to make a few little extras, I'm thinking a pincushion and some pin toppers are in order, and this mini should be on its way to it's new home this weekend!  More about this mini here.

In Progress

4x5 modern quilt bee blocks

4x5 hive 14

While I find selecting the fabrics for each of my 5 awesome hivemates blocks my favorite part of the block making process, I have the fabrics cut and 3 of the 5 blocks completed, more on these soon!

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 2
In Progress: 7

DQS 11
For the Love of Solids {a modern swap}
4x5 bee blocks
Secret Mini Swap
August Bee Blocks
Rocco's Garden Fence Quilt
UFO Quilt tops (maybe, one day...)
Postage Stamp quilt top
Central Park quilt top

What have you been up to?? Head over to FreshlyPieced and add your WIP!


  1. The colours you have chosen for the Garden Fence Quilt are beautiful! I love blue and brown together! I bet you are looking forward to receiving your doll quilt! Any guesses?

  2. So preppy, I love your Garden Fence selections!! And you can feel free to send me your DQS quilt, I promise I would take good care of it!!! Oh, how I love that mini :) I like your 4x5 blocks a lot - did you use one of those Twister do-das?

  3. wow, everything looks gorgeous. I really love your DQS quilt! And your 4x5 blocks are so fun!

  4. Hi Jess!
    I love your fabric choices for the Garden Fence, it's going to be great!
    Your hivemates are SO lucky - love that block!

  5. Your hexagons are so colourful and lively - I love them; and that's really saying something because I have disliked hexagons and yo-yos for what seems like forever! They turned me off ever getting involved in patchwork/quilting! Thank goodness for Modern Quilting!

    Can't wait to see what you do with the little boy quilt.

  6. What gorgeous color combinations!

  7. Love your garden fence colors. I also love the fabrics you've chosen for your 4x5 blocks. Those are all going to look great. Fabulous work as always!

  8. Beautiful fabrics for the Garden Fence Quilt Along! I'm doing that one too!

  9. NOw those are all beautiful all of the colours are one busy lady

  10. Great garden fence projects AND love your 4x5 block/fabrics! Looking good!

  11. I love the colors you picked for "Rocco's Garden Fence". That's going to be amazing! Your DQS 11 is gorgeous - it looks like it was a lot of work.

  12. Congrats on your DQS quilt--it's lovely!

  13. The fabrics you chose for the Garden Fence are very pretty! It is going to be a lovely quilt and the DQS quilt is gorgeous!

  14. Wow, I was definitely drooling a little when I saw all the fabrics for your bee! Those are going to be phenomenal!

  15. Thanks for the plug, Jess, you rock!! : ) : )

    Those 4x5 blocks are so, so cute. I'm sure your hivemates will love them. And those are very nice fabrics you've chosen for the baby boy quilt. Cute and classic!

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday.

  16. Wow--that doll quit is awesome! I'm not even in the swap and I wish I was your partner!! Love the colors you picked for that baby quilt too.

  17. Cannot wait to see your garden fence quilt. I have been eyeing that pattern for a while -- I just need a reason to make one. :)

  18. All your projects give me lots of inspiration, that's for sure! I also am completely impressed that you have all those bee blocks to do, and have them all lined up. Your industry and energy amaze me--can I borrow some?

    Elizabeth E!
