
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WIP Wednesday {8.24.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Before I get to whats new in sewing land over in these parts...any east coasters feel the earthquake yesterday??  I can honestly say I never thought I'd ever feel any part of an earthquake out here in Pittsburgh, but I most definitely felt my chair shaking yesterday afternoon.  Too wierd.  Anyways, onto more things sewing...

New Projects

Birdie Stitches

This project is certainly not new, but new to me!  I've been looking for a portable project, and while I like to knit, I'm still quite a novice, and as I have about 9,000 scarves and hats that I've knit, and have already knit several for all my friends and family, I was search for a new take along project.  After seeing all the cute embroidery all over blogger land, I decided to throw my hat in the ring and give it a try!  I found the Birdie Stiches quilt along over on Flickr, and these adorable little birdies were right up my alley.  Seeing as I just happened to have a layer cake of Sunkissed on hand, I figured it was meant to be.  This block is actually January's block, but seeing as I'm completely addicted, I don't think it will take long to catch up.

In Progress

Rocco's Garden Fence

I finished Rocco's Garden Fence quilt top earlier this week, I had planned on getting the back completed and having this puppy basted last night, but I was lazy and just didn't feel like it (ever have those days??)  I promise though, you will be seeing a finished quilt in the next few days!  More on this quilt top here.

Farmers Wife QAL

I set these aside for a few days to work on projects with more looming deadlines, but rest assured I have not forgotten about these little guys!  This is why I really like doing more than the "required" two blocks a week, because I'm still not technically behind!  I'm itching to get sewing a few of these this weekend.

Completed Projects

4x5 Bee Blocks

4x5 blocks hive 14

These were mailed out to their new homes on Saturday, more on them here.

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 1
In Progress: 7

For the Love of Solids {a modern swap}
4x5 bee blocks
August Bee Blocks
Rocco's Garden Fence Quilt
Birdie Stitches QAL
UFO Quilt tops (maybe, one day...)
Postage Stamp quilt top
Central Park quilt top

What's new with you??  Head over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIP!  


  1. Oh my! Your whirly gigs are fabulous! I made a little quilt top this week with a neat little ruler! Suz

  2. I love your Garden Fence quilt, it's a beautiful colour choice. The bee blocks are great too, I think I'm going to have to get that ruler.
    I love having hand sewing that's portable and something to do when I don't feel like sitting at the sewing machine.

  3. Cool! Love those whirlygig blocks, so fun! Love your Birdie Stitches block, too, it's so cute :)

  4. The colors of your Garden Fence are gorgeous and your whirlygigs are so festive! I'm doing Embroidery 101 so I know what you mean about the embroidery. Very addictive. If you need something cute as a gift or single item, Clover and Violet added the cutest embroidered bicycle the other day.

  5. Yeah, here outside Philly the house was rocking! We were reading stories for naptime. I will say, it was a less than stellar mommy performance as I got a bit freaked out. I've been through one earthquake in Hawaii and knew what it was but was so shocked!

    I love all your projects.I love your birdie and keep thinking about doing this one. I love having some handstitching to do while hubby flips channels.

  6. I love your Rocco's Garden Fence Quilt top - gorgeous!

    And the bird embroidery - too cute!

  7. the garden fence is beautiful....cute stitchery and the bee blocks are really sweet....sooooo very modern..

  8. live just outside Washington DC and the earthquake was wild here...30 seconds of the house shaking and everything inside rattling round. It was crazy!

  9. Your garden fence is lovely! I'm thinking making one in blues and browns for my step mother for Christmas!

    Glad you seemed to have made it through the earthquake safely! Wasn't that crazy?

  10. I LOVE your 4x5 blocks!!And congrats on starting the birdy stitches - so cute!
    (& I live in the Pacific NW so have felt several earthquakes - a unique feeling, that's for sure! Glad everyone's ok!)

  11. Yes, I definitely felt the whole building swaying here in NC. I love your baby quilt! I've also have a few blocks to catch up on birdie stitches.

  12. Both Rocco's Garden Fence and you 4x5 blocks are wonderful! Yay to starting Birdie Stitches. It's really fun. And I'm a bit behind. But it is a great portable project!

  13. Love your Garden Fence! I really need to make time to work on mine...

  14. Your birdie stitches are super cute! And I love that Garden Fence too, it looks great.

  15. Love your bee blocks! The Garden Fence quilt is cool, too. I really like the colors you have there!

  16. Your Garden Fence is adorable, love the colors!

  17. Those 4x5 bee blocks are just amazing. It makes me want to make a whole whirlygig quilt! It's good to hear that the Birdie Stitches blocks are fun . . . as I've been thinking about doing a few of those, too!

  18. Your bee blocks are amazing - I love the variety of colours!

  19. The whirlygig blocks are so cute! I love what you did with the colors on those. And the Garden Fence quilt turned out gorgeous, I just saw the post with the finished quilt as well. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
