
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

WIP Wednesday {8.31.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Is tomorrow really September?  This is blowing my mind right now, where exactly has the summer gone??  This week has been a little of this and a little of's what I've been up to!

Completed Projects

Rocco's Garden Fence quilt

Garden Fence Quilt

This was my big finish of the week, Rocco's Garden Fence quilt is on his way to him as we speak!  More on this quilt here.

Ongoing Projects

Bee Blocks

August Simply Strings Block for SheReads

I sat down last night to work on my bee blocks, and realized that two of my bee's had ended in July?  Whaaat?  A year has gone by already??  Our Simply Strings Bee goes until October, and then I will be bee-less.  Anyone know of any modern bees starting up?

Anyways, this block is for Becky.  She wanted scrappy fan blocks based on this quilt, and wrote up this great tutorial if anyone is interested in the process.  She wanted things really scrappy, so instead of sending us her scraps, she sent us each a fat quarter of fabric to keep, and asked that we use our own scraps to make the blocks.  I think this idea is genius!  Can't wait to see what this quilt looks like.   

Solid Spiderweb quilt

Spiderweb blocks

As I was doing a major clean up of my sewing room this weekend, I dug out my spiderweb blocks I received from the Solids Bee, Sew Fun Bee and Simply Strings and threw them up on the design wall to see what I had.  I am so so loving these blocks!  I need to make more, I'm thinking at least 7 more blocks for a good snuggle sized quilt, but this has now jumped on the to do list.

Birdie Stitches

Birdie Stitches #2

Birdie Stitches #2

This is February's block.  Too stinkin cute.  I think I have found my new favorite portable project.  Embroidery it is!

Farmer's Wife

FWQAL Blocks 1-26

I now have completed  blocks 1-26.  More on this weeks blocks here

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 2
In Progress: 6

For the Love of Solids {a modern swap}
August Bee Blocks
Rocco's Garden Fence Quilt
Birdie Stitches QAL
Solid Spiderweb quilt
UFO Quilt tops (maybe, one day...)
Postage Stamp quilt top
Central Park quilt top


  1. wow, everything looks great! I really love the farmer's wife blocks, they look sooooooo good! keep up the good work :D

  2. You have accomplished a great deal and all such lovely work, I also love the farmers wife blocks .

  3. I think your garden fence turned out great! I like that pattern. I also love the way your spiderweb quilt is coming along. Your birdie blocks are also cute. I'm doing that too and I can't wait to see them all put together!

  4. Oh, goodness, I love Rocco's Quilt! One of my favorite patterns, and the colors are awesome. I'd love it if you linked up to my Finished it Friday's linky party this week!

  5. I love the addition of Rocco's name on the garden fence quilt. I'm about to start making a quilt with that pattern. So fun!

  6. I am IN LOVE with your solids spiderweb quilt! It's funny, I don't think I've ever seen a spiderweb in solids before? It's gorgeous!

    And Rocco's quilt is lovely. No matter how many times I see that pattern, I still just love it. It's on my to-do list.

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  7. I love the spiderweb quilt- the colors and blocks are great! I've never seen that block before and I love the look.

  8. Your bee blocks look great, and I love the embroidery. I do think the Farmers wife may push me over the edge though, WTG you on getting all those done!

  9. That solid spiderweb quilt is stunning! Absolutely stunning. I love how the solid colors just pop. Now I have another project to add to my list. ha!

  10. love love love the birdie stitches blocks. Makes me want to try some embroidery! Spiderweb is spectacular and Rocco is rockin! Nice work this week.

  11. love the spiderweb quilt- it would have jumped my to do list too!

  12. You've been busy! If I'd found those spiderweb blocks they'd have jumped to the top of the list, too!

  13. Jess, everything is looking so fab. I missed seeing all your great stuff while I was away and I am so glad to be caught up on your awesomeness!

  14. OMG, your spiderwebs are gorgeous!!! Wow!! BTW, if you hear about any new bees, let me know, I might be interested in joining a new one! :)

  15. How funny?! I just mailed 11 parcels to my "One Block Over" bee participants, giving them a fat quarter to keep, and asking them to use their scraps to make my block for which I wrote a tutorial! Guess Becky and I think exactly alike!

  16. love your solids spiderwebs! Just gorgeous! And Rocco's quilt is just so fabulous. Love your birdies too. I posted my latest Embroidery 101. The only thing I wish is that I had used some linen in the center instead but that was me, not the quilt along!

  17. What beautiful projects! Love the solid spiderweb - very nice!

  18. I really like those fan blocks, and what a great idea she had to send fabric for you to keep! I may have to keep that in mind for my upcoming month.

  19. So many lovely things on the go!
