
Monday, February 4, 2013

Salt Water Starburst: Quilt Top


Some of my favorite weekends are those where we lounge around with no plans, or obligations, and just take it easy.  This weekend was one of those weekends.  There were a few errands to be run, some football (and commercials!) to be watched, but mostly (at least for me) there was lots of quality time spent down in my sewing room.  


I had started this Starburst Cross quilt using a fat quarter bundle of Salt Water by Tula Pink in the beginning of January, however this project was quickly brushed to the side as a result of the vortex that was #ScrappyTripAlong.

It felt nice to pull this project back out and finish up the quilt top this weekend.  While I haven't made any strides to finish old abandoned WIPs from years past --yet-- I figured the least I could do was not to add to the pile of WIPs.


This quilt is destined to be a birthday gift for my mom.  She loves the beach more than anyone else I know.  Her birthday is this weekend, so basting and quilting will be on the agenda this week.  As she has one of my very first quilts I completed, I want to make this one more of a winter weight, great for couch snuggling, now that winter is back in full effect.  I grabbed some anti pill fleece for the backing, and plan on finishing it very much like my scrappy trip along quilt.


I have to admit, I wasn't quite sure how I felt about these colors together when the fabric bundle arrived at my house, but seeing them together in a quilt has me in love.  The bright corals against the different shades of blue and limey greens is oh so pretty.


My secondary motivation for putting together another Starburst Cross quilt (the first one was shipped off to last spring's quilt market for the Westminster booth) was to work on an updated complete Starburst Cross PDF quilt pattern with simplified cutting and piecing instructions.  Look for the updated free pattern in the next week or two! 


  1. This is so, so pretty, Jessica! I admit that I wasn't too sure about those colors together, either, but they look fabulous! I bet you'll have one happy Mama!

  2. So pretty, even against the snow that just won't go away.

  3. This is SO lovely! And I'll be looking for the free pattern! You are very generous to offer it to us!

  4. I love this quilt!
    I bet your Mum will too!

  5. Lucky mom! I just got some Salt Water in the mail this weekend and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it! Your quilt is so beautiful it makes me want to cut into my fabric now.

  6. It looks great all together, I couldn't quite imagine it all mixed in with each other, but it works really well :o)

  7. I think this is your most beautiful quilt to date! Your mom is going to love this!

  8. This is gorgeous.
    I love this quilt!

  9. Such a perfect block to show off these lovely fabrics!

  10. This quilt is beautiful. I wish it was my birthday.

  11. I think it turned out beautifully!

  12. This quilt is great. I love the design of the pattern. I can't wait to download my free pdf! Thank you!

  13. Hi Jessica! It's so beeeautiful! And I love your photos - colours on your quilt look lovely soft with the winter backround! Really beautiful pattern! x Teje

  14. It's absolutely gorgeous! working on a salt water quilt myself. This makes me even more excited to finish it.

  15. It's beautiful! I have my own FQ bundle of that fabric that I've been trying to decide what to do with. This is great inspiration.

  16. Oh it's beautiful! Thank you for sharing the link to the block tutorial.

  17. THIS is what I am doing with my Saltwater!! I have been scouring patterns trying to think of what would look good with my 1/2 yard bundle. I knew I had to have the fabric, but had no pattern in mind, sometimes a bad habit. Thanks for the tutorial and putting in together - I love it!

  18. I love that block and your quilt is fabulous. What a lovely gift for your mom!

  19. This looks lovely :-) I had fun making some of these blocks this weekend. Everyone in my DGS circle loves this block!

  20. Just beautiful! I love those fabrics/colors together and they are perfect for that pattern!

  21. Lovely! I keep waffling about this fabric line, but your quilt shows it off beautifully!!

  22. I hate when people hijack a blog to advertise, grrr.

  23. yeah I am so gonna go to your website.

  24. Can't wait for the PDF tutorial on this one, my Tula Pink is screaming to me!!

  25. did you ever finish the pdf tutorial on this? i've been eagerly waiting for it! it's a gorgeous pattern...
