
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back in action

Over the weekend the hubby and I were out of town, so alas, no quilting or sewing projects have been worked on. Friday was my birthday, and it just so happened to coincide with a trip a few of my friends and our respective hubbies had planned a month or so ago. We drove up to New York (lower state NY, basically in Jersey) to visit our friend's new house, and the boys golfed and worked on a few projects around said friend's new house, and us girls went shopping! Now while I love crafting/quilting/sewing, and of course reading (on my new Nook!) I also seem to have a small shopping habit, and a weakness for fun snazzy shoes! I picked up these beauties at Nine West in the most amazing outlet shopping complex I've ever been to (woohoo for sales and discounts!)

While I dont have much quilting progress to show, I feel its only fair to share the fruits of my shopping labor with everyone. I think these may be my new favorite shoes. Yes, they slightly remind me of a bumble bee, but I just love the black and while with a splash of bright yellow. I imagine these sprucing up a boring work outfit in no time!

Anyways, enough about my shopping habit. I have made some progress with the Mod Sampler quilt. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to feel about this quilt, or for that matter the fabric selections I made, but as I'm putting the blocks together, I'm really liking the way the blocks are turning out!

These were the first weeks blocks, super easy to put together.

And the second weeks

Here's the third weeks

And the fourth weeks. These were by far the most time consuming to make...I pieced them together as was described in the instructions, but the more I thought about it, it probably would have been easier to piece together some strip sets and then cut rows of the strip sets to make the blocks, but this wasn't too bad.

They are by far my favorites, and I am amazed at how accurate I was when cutting and sewing the tiny squares together! I attribute this to my newly replaced rotary cutter blade. I only suffered one small battle wound on my thumb, but definitly worth it for how easy it made my cutting!

Hopefully tommorow I will finish up the last 2 sets of blocks (2 square in square blocks, another fav of mine). I also need to pick a sashing fabric...I'm thinking of just a cream Kona solid, but I'm not 100% sure yet...any suggestions??

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