
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy (early) birthday to me!

So after my love of quilting/sewing or crafting in general, I love love love to read. I have about a book a week habit. So I have been eyeing this for a few months now, and have not kept it a secret from my hubby that I want it. Imagine my surprise when Tuesday evening dear hubby asked if I wanted my birthday present early! Now I am one to not want to wait for things, but I said "I can wait" (my birthday is next Friday). He apparently really wanted to give it to me early, because after a few minutes of my holding out, I gave in and said I would open my present early.

He got me a Barnes and Noble Nook! I absolutely love it. After playing around with it for a while, my next thought was "I need to make a cute little holder for it!" So I went to my trusty list of favorite blogs, and came across this at the Moda Bakeshop. I decided I need to make this immediately, and kind of improvised and came up with my own version:

While I was perusing last week (just looking, I swear! haha) and came across this fabulous Amy Butler Love fat quarter bundle and decided that I needed to have it.

Since it came in the mail, I have been dying to make something with it, and thought this little project would be perfect for it!

I used the Paradise Garden for the outside and Sunspots in Tangerine for the lining and binding, and straight line quilted it with criscross diagonal lines.

I am linking my post today to Lit and Laundry's Finished for Friday and Amylouwho's Sew and Tell

Hopefully my next post will feature a finished beach quilt! Just a sneak peak...I finished quilting it, and just have the binding left to do!


  1. Cute Nook holder! I love the fabrics you chose for it. Looks like your beach quilt is coming along nicely too. Happy birthday!

  2. Wonderful idea! And very appealing too. :-) Happy Birthday!

  3. this quilt looks like it is going to be gorgeous. great job....and that nook cover is so pretty. you used amazing fabric

  4. Happy Birthday!! :o)
    Your quilt and nook cover are fantastic! I love the fabric you choose, and am trying to think of a project I can use it for, myself. :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  5. Very cool. Happy birthday and I am very jealous you have a book :)

  6. ooo can I have an early happy birthday too? Lol! The case turned out great! And I like that you said you were just looking, and immediately after showed us the bundle you bought! :P

  7. Love your Nook cover and such a pretty quilt! I need to make one of those covers myself, for my Kindle. And then one for my MacBook..... oh well, too many projects, so little time! ;-)

    Happy Birthday!!!

  8. thanks everyone! I'm hoping to get that binding on over the weekend at some point, and will certainly post more pics!!

  9. I love your fabric combination on the Nook cover. beautiful quilting too. I have not tried any quilting yet. I think it could get addictive.

  10. Your quilting stitches look beautiful.

    I'm just finishing my binding, now, but I don't think I'll be including a closeup of my quilting in my next post !

  11. Nice fabric for a great project! That quilt is going to be beautiful:)

  12. Wow! Nice fabrics! Happy happy birthday!

  13. Roslyn, yes! Its just like a Kindle only through Barnes and Noble, so you can download free books when in Barnes and Noble stores and has a touch screen at the bottom instead of the buttons. Highly recommend!

  14. Very nice projects! I can't wait to see the whole beach quilt!

  15. Ooooo, your Nook cover is adorable!! And I love the blues/purples/black in your beach quilt. Just curious: living in PA, where do you prefer to go to the beach? We are from there, and returning there soon, but after living so close to the Gulf Coast for over a decade, we're nervous about being bound to the Atlantic coast. (Of course, it was good enough for me when I was growing up...)

  16. Wow, that was a great birthday present. What a wonderful cover. Of course you needed the fabrics.

  17. Dayna, we are from the Pittsburgh area, so we travel down to the Outer Banks for a week every summer, quite a haul (7ish hours) but well worth it!
