
Saturday, August 28, 2010

beginnings of a baby quilt

This morning was spent cutting fabric for the next quilt which is a baby quilt for a coworker.  Her requirements were that it was boyish and also told me that the baby's nursery was going to be mostly greens and browns.  So I started fabric shopping (my ultimate favorite part of the quilting process, I think!)

This is what I came up with...

*squeal* I think this may be my favorite color combination for a quilt yet!  My focus fabric is the blue/yellow/green whales from the Urban Zoology line by Ann Kelle.  I absolutely love it, and am definitly glad I bought extra to add to my stash!  The yellow and green dots are Robert Kaufman and the argyle and the blue/green/brownish dots is from the Remix line from Ann Kelle.

Here's a sneak peak of what I have put together so far...

Shouldn't be much longer until I have a quilt top assembled...Check back soon!



  1. She-e-e-e-e's ba-a-a-ck !

    And sewing like a madwoman !

    Great color fun !
