
Sunday, August 22, 2010

New obsession

These are totally inspired by Andrea at Lush Stuff and her post on Friday about her patchwork clutches she makes, after seeing her pics of her latest clutches, I needed to find out how to make them! 

 I was able to track down this tuturial from that showed how to use a purse frame, and voila! 

Three little mini clutches, perfect as a small makeup carrier or little pouch for random things!  Once I started making them, I couldn't stop...

It's definitly a work in progress, working to get the pattern just right, but I think each one turned out better than the one previous

Once I got the hang of it, I was whipping these things up in no time!  Now to find somewhere to buy these purse frames in bulk!

My sewing machine got quite the work out today...I also started the quilting on my hexagon quilt-a-long quilt top
Just a sneak peak!  Now I'm a little stumped about how to do the binding on this, since its not a square, but the edges aren't scalloped or anything...I'm assuming I'll need to do a bias cut binding, but I'm also assuming I won't be able to a standard mitred corner like on a rectangular quilt. 

Hmmm, any suggestions on what my best bet would be??  I guess I'll consult my friend Google, I'm sure he'll be able to find an answer for me, if all else fails :)



  1. Kati at From the Blue Chair made a hexagon-shaped quilt. She's a great resource so you could email her and ask how she did her binding.

    Here's the address for the specific post she wrote about her hexagon-shaped quilt.

    Those clutches are so cute!

  2. Love the clutches, very impressed that you can produce so many, good for you! It is now 5.15pm and I am still trying to sew together 4 pieces of fabric!!! Excuse kiddies keep wanting to play, cannot blame. Looking forward to seeing your hexagon shaped quilt.

  3. I've made a hexagon shaped quilt before and it's really not difficult to bind it. I just started to type up a giant explanation, but realized that I am way too wordy and photos would be more helpful. I'll take some photos and post them to my flickr site if that would be helpful to you. I'll post them in the next couple of days. Here's where you can find them (i'll try to get them up by Wednesday):

  4. Wow thanks everyone!! Stephanie that would be great if you could post some pics, and Brooke I'll be sure to check out Kati's post!

  5. I've had one of those clutch frames in my craft room for so long - thanks for the inspiration!

  6. The purse is cute and I'm so excited to see your finished quilt.

  7. Adorable mini-clutches! I like the strippy-pieced look. That's a cute fabric on the back of your hexie quilt too.

  8. Cute purses!

    I love the look of your hexy quilt. The one time I had to bind a hexagon quilt I didn't...I used a knife edge finish and tucked the seam allowance on the front and the back and batting in to meet each other and sewed the edge closed.

  9. I saw Andrea's clutches and can see why you'd be inspired to make some yourself! Yours are gorgeous too! I'm hoping to hit a craft store this weekend and find some clutches and make some myself. Stopping by from Sew&Tell. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sewing! :o)

    Larri at Seams Inspired

  10. love the colors you chose for the clutches! Google does indeed have alot of answers. Love the hexagons, too.

  11. The clutches are so cute! Very bright and happy.

    Your sneak peek is tantalizing. :-)

  12. I found you through AmyLouWho. I really like the purses. Have you tried Etsy to see if someone sells the frames in bulk? If you find a bulk seller I would love the link. You have inspired me!


  13. Those little purses are just too cute! I'm just not brave enough to try to make one myself. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Those are adorable. Where did you find your frames?

  15. i love your clutches...they looks so great

  16. Hi Jessica,
    I love them,glad I inspired you.Heres the etsy shop I buy my frames from. They are great quality and quite cheap.

  17. Andrea and Jessica, both your clutch bags are simply gorgeous! I can understand the obsession!!!
