
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am mesmerized.  I seriously can't stop staring at it!  I still need about 48 more blocks to fill up my design wall, so far theres 120 half square blocks, 120 DIFFERENT fabrics so far, that are trimmed to 5 inch blocks, so when sewn together I will have 4 1/2 inch half square triangles. 

In other news, I was so excited when I received my Joann's mailer a few days ago, and its coupon commotion!  I love this, they give you a million 40% coupons to use on anything thats not already on sale, now of course this is when all their fabrics just so happen to be 30% off already, which negates the use of the coupons...BUT the Kona solids are never on sale!!  The Joann's near me is a supercenter which has a pretty decent selection of Kona solids, so I stopped in the other day and refilled my solid stash.

I bought 2 yards each of Kona Grass Green, Kona Chartreuse, Kona Chocolate, Kona Charcoal Gray, Kona Ash, Kona Purple, Kona Orange, Kona Candy Blue, Kona Turquoise, Kona Candy Pink and Kona Bright Pink.  I also picked up a bunch of Kona White, so I should be set for a while!

Well, I'm off to go stare at my design wall some more...seriously, I'm already starting to get slight separation anxiety from parting with this beauty, as its a Christmas gift for my mom. 



  1. Ooh, ooh, me too !
    I could just look at it all day !

    You're really on top of the value lesson ...... that looks fantastic.
    It's not as obvious as some I've seen, and yet if you squint your eyes at the picture, there is clear delineation between the 'diamonds' !

    Woo Hoo !

  2. I am loving it also! I keep seeing the HST quilts being made like this on the web and think I will do one but then I realize all that still is in front of me. Perhaps I'll make it a 2011 goal instead.

    Yours is beautiful and I can't wait to see it finished.

  3. You mom is going to love this! It looks so pretty..
