
Friday, October 29, 2010

Bloggers Quilt Festival

In being a newbie-ish quilter so far, I knew nothing about the Bloggers Quilt Festival...until a few weeks ago!  As it is upon us now, head on over to amyscreativeside and check out the awesome entries.  I've been thinking about which quilt I wanted to enter, and decided on this one.

I started sewing  right after Christmas this past year, as my husband bought be a sewing machine as a gift.  I was beyond ecstatic, as it had embroidery features that I planned on using to embroider everything!  Little did I know that the embroidery feature would not be what I loved most about my machine.  I completed my very first quilt (a baby quilt for a friend) in February, and I was hooked!

The quilt I decided to enter to the festival is my value quilt.  I had never taken color value into consideration when making a quilt before, and I learned so much beyond just deciding on what color scheme I want to use for a particular quilt. 

I really love the scrappiness of this quilt, I used a scrap of each and every fabric I had in my stash at the time and am still amazed that its not the color that makes this quilt so great, but the value in pairing the colors together.  It still amazes me that the quilt design comes completely from how you place each square in the arrangement.  I can assure you there will be many more quilts based on value of color in my future. 

This quilt will be a gift for my mom for Christmas this year, and while hard to part with, I cant wait to give it to her, as I know she is going to absolutely love it! 


  1. Gorgeous quilt.
    Love the green binding!!

  2. Lovely quilt. I'm sure your mum will certainly love it.

  3. I love it! Scrappy quilts are my favorite!

  4. You have become an amazing quilter in a short time. Love your value quilt and many others you have made!

  5. I love the burst of colour in this quilt. You have made some beautiful quilts this year.

  6. I love all the colors in this quilt. Your design pulls everything together. It turned out so great.

  7. MMMMMM loving this quilt. The scappiness, the values, the half triangle squares... its gorgeous.

  8. Ummm that should say scRappiness. I wish I could type as well as I sew. LOL.

  9. Scrappy quilts are my favorites, and yours is just so cheery and wonderful! Yep, your mom is going to love it. :-)

  10. wonderful!!!
    I love scrappy quilts!

  11. I love the scrappy goodness of this quilt. Good job!

  12. wonderful how all the fabrics play so well together!

  13. Good choice, Jessica, but, wow, what a year !
    Anything of yours that you chose would be great to share.
    You're amazing !

  14. You have a great eye! It's beautiful!

  15. Scrappy is the best--your value quilt is sure proof of that. Congratulations on becoming a quilter. It's not a sickness, it's a way of life! Thanks for sharing your quilt's story :)

  16. Wonderful scrappy quilt ! This one is on my list of quilts to do in 2011. After this Quilt Festival that list is going to be so long. This is my first time here too. I just found out about it yesterday.
    Love your blog. I'll be back

  17. What a colorful quilt. I love it. You did a great job and your mom will smiling all the time with this cheerful gift. Love Lois

  18. Ya! I love value quilts. Yours is great. What an amazing gift.

  19. I just love this one, Jess, you did such an awesome job! My favorite so far....will follow so I can see what is next!

    Happy Festival!

  20. This quilt is gorgeous and so are the others on your side bar... im def going to follow you!! xx

  21. It truly is a wonderful pairing and arrangement of colors.

    Angie -

  22. What a lovely bright quilt! I love scrap quilts and lots of colour. HSTs are just wonderful for this.
    Your quilt looks great!

  23. I got my first sewing machine around christmas time too and started off with a (tiny!) baby quilt. Your quilt is just lovely - I'm too frightened of colour still to try this but one day soon I hope....

  24. I love all these scrappy colours. I also got started quilting after I got a sewing machine for Christmas :) Enjoy your new hobby.

  25. I did a quilt just like this 17 years ago when I started quilting - except then the colors were more subdued - I like yours better (grin)!! I'm sure this is just the beginning!! Great job!

  26. what an awesome gift!!! It is gorgeous! :)

  27. I love your quilt, Jessica! I really like value quilts, and yours is awesome.

  28. your mother will surely love this vibrant and fun quilt. you did such a nice job! thanks for sharing and have a great day
