
Friday, October 8, 2010

hoot hoot

I kind of took a mini quilting break after finishing the value quilt, but no need to fear!  Me and my sewing machine became reaquanted tonight.  My niece's 11th birthday is tommorow, and I had been wanting to try one of Noodlehead's tutorials.  Now my niece is only 11, but she is a die hard Penn State fan (bestill my heart!) and a tomboy to a tee.  We're giving her a gift card for her bday so she can buy what she likes, but I wanted to make something out of my scraps of Penn State fabric I had laying around to put it in. 
Voila!   I used Noodlehead's lil cutie pouch tutorial.  All thats missing is the keyring that I will be purchasing while out and about tommorow.  These are so simple to put together that I couldn't resist whipping up a few more!

I just cannot get enough of the owls!  So cute. 

I'm not exactly sure what I'll do with all of them...but once I started, I just couldn't stop!

While I was in a sewing frenzy, I thought I'd work on my October Block for Kelly in our Solid Bee.  She requested wonky log cabin blocks.  I immediately had an idea, and went to the internet to look for some examples, and it turns out my idea has a name!  I was thinking of a Bento box style block.  Now, in my over-thinking mind, I started thinking "maybe she won't want something like this!" so I went straight to the source and asked, and luckily, she said she'd love to have that style block as well!  Kelly sent us awesome yellows and greys and this is what my block turned out looking like:

I absolutely adore it!  This was my first attempt at a wonky style block, but I love it!  I had all intentions of making a second block for her, but after completing this block, I barely had any fabric left!  I'm very please with it, I hope Kelly likes it as much as I do!


  1. Where did you get your owl fabric? Are their quilt stores up by you? I have one on 19 but thats still a 45 minute drive for me and they carry very traditional materials.

  2. Oh, that bento block is outrageously gorgeous !

    I'm going to check out those tutorials !
    I'm so tired of losing change where I can't retrieve it !

  3. Your block is fantastic. I love your owl one too. I thought the pink but no, the owl is wearing on me! Hehe... well done. Tammy
