
Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby Love

Welcome baby Abby!  Friends of ours recently had a baby girl, (which was a surprise!  They did not find out what they were having, and EVERYONE thought it was a boy...) Abigail Grace.

We had the pleasure of going to meet little Abby on Saturday, and I was able to give mom, dad and new baby the quilt that I made for them!

Remember this quilt?  The Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my! quilt?  Well it is now embroidered with Abby's name on it, and is nestled in her oh so sweet jungle themed nursery.

Mom and dad loved it, and I hope Abby will love it just as much!

Baby Abby is such a sweetheart, she slept most of the time we were there, but I got a few hours of "baby holding" time in and didn't want to give her up when it was time to go.  Can't wait to see the little peanut again soon!

In other news...I am currently working on writing my first quilt pattern for the Lions and Tigers and Bears quilt!  It wasn't quite as difficult as I had imagined...I want to put it to the test in the next few days and follow my own cutting instructions to make sure I calculated everything correctly, and get some pictures to add to the pattern instructions.  

I'm actually planning on making this quilt for a co-workers 1 1/2 year old little boy as a Christmas gift.  Said little boy loves cars and trucks, so I figured I'd work out a pattern, and then test it out! 

More to come soon...


  1. Adorable!
    (both quilt & baby!)

    ~ Meagan

  2. Winner !

    She's beautiful, isn't she !

    Speedy wishes for the pattern !
