
Friday, November 19, 2010

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

This quilt is the same pattern as the Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! quilt.  I have actually been contacted a few times regarding a pattern for this quilt, and up until this point, I didn't have one to share.  I decided I would try my hand at pattern writing, and I have something that is just about ready to share! 

I wanted to make a quilt for my coworker and friend's son who is almost 2 as a Christmas gift.  He loves cars and anything with wheels, so I found this mish mosh of car and truck fabric and paired it with some fun bright polka dots.   

The timing of working on this quilt really worked out because I was able to follow my own instructions and double check my measurements and cutting instructions for the pattern, sooo I'm pretty confident everything's accurate!

I'll be posting my pattern/tutorial for this quilt in the next few days, stay tuned!

I was feeling super productive this evening, so not only did I get the quilt top pieced together, the quilt back cut and pieced together, but I was on such a roll I decided to run out and buy the batting I had planned to purchase tommorow, and basted my quilt sandwhich all this evening.  Whew!  I'm tired just writing all that.

I must say, I'm a pin basting convert.  I will never spray baste again!  This is the second quilt I have pin basted, and I find it to be so much more secure, with moving the quilt around so much, there is no worry about pulling or bunching on the back.  It takes a little extra time, but totally worth it, in my opinion.

I have plans to get this quilted this weekend, and have also decided I want to whip together some fabric napkins, for my Thanksgiving dinner for 20 I am hosting on Thursday!  I'm tired just thinking of my to do list before Thursday....

1 comment:

  1. 20 !

    My word, girl........I'M tired thinking about IT.

    I'll probably use that number '20' to look for a big ol' 20 pound turkey for the hubby and me, and then have an open door policy for anyone that wants to drop by. Hope my fridge will hold all the fixin's !
