
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reversible holiday placemats

I finished up the reversible holiday placemats I was working on...the finished placemats measure                 12 inches x 18 inches.  Again I used these placemats by Amy a la Mode as inspiration.  

I did a no binding method for finishing these, as I wanted them reversible, and couldnt decide on a binding color that I felt worked well on both sides of the placemats.  I free motion quilted these using some stippling.

These will yet again be put away as a Christmas gift for a coworker.

I will be linking these up to Amylouwho's sew and tell.  Stop by and see everyone's awesome finishes this week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love that idea! Now why didn't I think of that....
    (I had to erase the last comment. Realized I missed spelled a word.)

  3. Oh man, I am drooling over those Christmas fabrics you used...they are definitely not boring, just what I like! Your placemats turned out great!

  4. I absolutely love your placemats!! :o)
    Sincerely - Tricia

  5. these look so great. i really love the christmas ones. so cute

  6. Oh these are great! I love that they are reversible, hmmm now I need to go make some! thanks!

  7. What a great idea! Its now on my project list. If only all decorations could be reversible.... the packing and unpacking would be so much easier :)

  8. I love them! I need to make some.

  9. I absolutely adore these! Especially since they do double-duty, Thanksgiving and Christmas.....oh, my "to make" list is getting huge! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  10. I'm in the thanksgiving~Christmas mood, now!!

  11. I love these! They would be so cute on a table, I'd be reluctant to put my plate over them!

  12. What a great idea! They can be out and in use so much longer!
    Thanks for sharing your work and a great tip.

  13. Those placemats are adorable! what a great gift!

  14. Such a great idea and gift !
    Several sets of those would be so could find out what a giftee's kitchen colors are and make some with red,white, and blue for 4th of july on the reverse !
    That last picture is worthy of a blog banner !

  15. Thanks so much everyone! These really are super easy, AND you dont have to worry about binding if you dont want! Dolly I was thinking the same thing regarding my banner once Thanksgiving is over!!
