
Friday, December 3, 2010

Reunited... last, me and my sewing machine have been reunited.  It has seriously been entirely too too long since I was able to sit down and just sew for a few hours.   I think my machine thought I abandoned it, its been over a week, for sure. 

Tonight I was finally able to get back to sewing and get a little more quilting done on the Planes Trains and Automobiles quilt...

Its about 75% quilted...I decided to straight line quilt this with my walking foot 1/4 inch on each side of both rows and columns.  I'm also cross hatching 1/4 inch on each side of the diagonals as well.  I'm using a chalk-marking thing, which I've never used before...Im not completely crazy about it, but we'll see...More to come soon, this quilt needs to be completed ASAP, as its a Christmas gift, and Christmas will be here before I know it!

I also completed Amy's block for the Sew Fun bee.  Her month was November and she requested string blocks!  She sent us a brown solid as the center strip, and a bunch of prints is blues, browns and creams, so so pretty.  We were to make 4 8 1/2 inch squares that will be sewn together into a large 16 inch finished block.  Amy requested that we use a paper method like this and that we leave the paper on the backs to keep the blocks stable, and requested that we not sew the 4 squares together.

Cant wait to see her king size quilt all put together!

Unfortunately it is likely going to be a few days until I'm back with my sewing machine, Sunday is the day of our cookie exchange, and I'm hosting this year, so tommorow I'll be elbow deep in cleaning solution getting this house spic-n-span...again!  haha.

I have plans to put together some super cute and easy ornament wreaths, come back and see how to make one for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray, welcome back to sewing.......boy don't we miss it when we can't get there !
    Those blocks look really good don't they? ! ?
    That house can't be very messed up again yet, so I look forward to the ornament post !
    Have fun Missy cookie-host !
