
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Computer geek

I have seen these bloggy buttons all over, and decided I wanted to find out how to make one.  I am the bee mama for the Simply Strings Bee, and decided we needed a button!  It actually wasn't that hard, but I figured I'd post a little overview for anyone who may have also been wondering how these things work!

I found this website first, and then this website, and thirdly this website, which helped to clarify things...

First I found a picture on my computer that I wanted to use as a background, and then looked for free downloadable pictures of bees and saved it to my computer in my picture files.  I then used Paint (I'm sure that Photoshop would do this as well, and probably better!) and layered the 2 images together and saved my new image in my picture files.

I then used picnik, and cropped and resized my image to 125x125 and added some text and resaved the image as my final button design.  Its important that however your arrive at your final button layout, that the size is around 125x125.

Once your image is saved on your computer, you then need to publish the image to the internet (I just posted mine in a blog post). 

In order to get the button to publish with the text box below it so that others can copy your button easily, you need to go into your blog design page and "Add a gadget".  You need to select an HTML/JavaScript gadget.

Copy the formula halfway down the page from here into your HTML/JavaScript text box

Input the web address your button is linking to where the formula says YOUR WEB ADDRESS
Input your blog title (what words will show up when you mouseover the icon) where the formula says BLOG TITLE
Input the address of your image (click on the picture you have published in a blog post, and copy the web address in the browser) where the formula says IMAGE WEB ADDRESS.

Thats it!  Congratulations you have just created a button for your blog!


  1. Thank you for sharing your valuable insights here. You have me wanting to try, just because I've wanted a logo of my own. Too cool!

  2. Wow.. I've just enjoyed editing my photos for hours. Thanks so much.
