
Friday, February 4, 2011

Completed New Wave Quilt

Well, I took Mr. Machine to the repair shop, and was told that there were quite a few machines ahead of mine to be fixed, so she wasn't able to tell me how long I'd be without.  Luckily, my aunt, who I'd started sewing with last year (Hi Aunt Linda!), out of the goodness of her heart let me borrow her machine until mine is back! 

Last night I went and picked up Mr. Machine 2.0 (her machine is the EXACT same machine as mine, so I was able to pick up exactly where I'd left off) and got to work finishing up my New Wave Quilt.

I used Oh Fransson's New Wave quilt pattern, and adjusted the size to a baby quilt.  I ended up using 9 rows and 5 columns with the sashing in between each row, so my finished size is about 42 x 47. 

I really could not be happier with the way this turned out.  I think I want to buy that Alexander Henry 2D Zoo by the bolt!  I just love everything about it, and it's by far my favorite favorite kiddo print.

Here is a close up of the quilting on the front.  I free motion quilted a loopy design just in the "waves" of the quilt and left the white sashing pieces (about 1 1/2 inch wide) unquilted.

I wanted a simple back to show off the quilting, but had to incorporate a little piecing.  I used a strip of the 2D Zoo, Kona White, Chocolate, and one of the Kona green colors...I must find a way to label my Kona colors, or just buy one of those handy dandy color charts!

These closeups show off the quilting design a little better, its been washed so its already nice and crinkley!

I'm hoping to get the Mini Stacked Coins Quilt finished this weekend, and both quilts will be off to their new owners!


  1. Gorgeous! Excellent job, I love it.

  2. I'll say it again - beautiful quilting! It turned out so wonderful, great work!

  3. LOVE! I love the colors and the pattern! Great job!

  4. Cute! The quilting really turned out fun on this one.

  5. I love this quilt pattern. Yours is beautiful.

  6. I really like how you did the loopy quilting just in the colored waves, it looks really neat on the back.

  7. Awesome results! How lucky you didn't have to put off your project while you wait for your machine to be repaired. Love the back, too, with the quilting effects, the colors, and that cute print!
