
Friday, March 11, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Imagine my surprise this morning when I check my email and found an email from Kristen letting me know she had selected my blog as one of her choices to pass along the Stylish Blog Award!

Now I by no means consider myself particularly "stylish" but I am honored and flattered!  I've just spent oh the last hour or so checking out Kristen's blog, K*D Quilts, and she is amazing!  Her most recent wall hanging quilt has me wanting to add a project like this to my to do list.  Be sure to head over and check out what Kristen is up to.

Now onto the details of this cool blog award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Award 6 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact the bloggers and tell them about the award.

Hmmm...7 things about myself?? Lets see... 

1.  I love to read, and particularly books about nothing!  I love reading "beach reads" all year round :)  Aside from sewing and quilting, reading is a nice escape, my Nook is currently inundated right now by the J.D. Robb books, ah nothing like trashy romance and a little murder mystery all tied into one!
2.  I am mildly over obsessed about having my nails manicured weekly.  Usually I do them myself (and have gotten quite good if I don't say so myself!) but love to treat myself to a professional manicure every now and again.  I have an exclusive relationship with OPI polish, and, not gonna lie, its mostly because I LOVE the names of thier colors!  I believe right now my color is "Monsooner or Later".
3.  I'm a reality TV junkie.  Particularly shows on E! or Bravo.  Real Housewives of ____________, love it!  I certainly keep up with the Kardashians.   I will add into this category anything seen on HGTV as well, and try to pass myself off as an interior decorator/real estate expert/home staging expert to my husband as a result.  He just loves it. 
4.  I love ketchup but hate tomatoes, but love bananas and hate banana flavored things.
5.  I'm a south paw.  Not exactly sure where the left-handedness came from, as I'm the only one in my family who's a leftie!
6.  I've kissed the Blarney Stone.  My husband and I went Italy and Ireland for our honeymoon, and amidst the highlights of our trip, we visited Cork, Ireland and were granted the "gift of gab" by kissing the Blarney Stone. 
7.  I love grocery shopping.  While some find this weekly chore tedious and avoid it all all costs, I love it.  I could peruse those aisles for hours.  Of course this may just be an outlet of my love for shopping in general, but regardless, I love it.

Whew!  That was really hard to come up with that list!  I'd like to pass this award along to a few super fun blogs I've come across, that I thoroughly enjoy reading and immediately head to when I see they have something new posted!  I'm going to try and only mention blogs who I haven't seen have received this award...  Here goes:

1.  Elizabeth of Dont Call me Betsy.  She always has such fun projects going on, including her current Margaret's Hope Chest quilt which will be donated to a girl who's father is in prison.  Her Drunk Love blocks are looking so so pretty, and I'm sure Kayla will just love this quilt!

2. Mary of Piece Garden.  Now this is one sylish chica!  She made these fabulous run around jackets which she has featured on her blog right now.  So super cute, I admire her skill at garment making! 

3.  Megan of Canoe Ridge Creations.  Megan is the host of Sew Modern Monday, a fun linky party every Monday where fellow bloggers link up wit their modern creations!  She is always working on something fun and pretty, including these fabulous chic Kleenex cases, which I plan on making very very soon!

4.  Sara of SewSweetness.  Again, this is one super stylish sewer!  I am in awe of her skills to whip up the most amazing dresses and bags.  Yes, dresses, that can actually be worn!  I only hope to be able to one day complete the things she is able to create!

5.  Cindy of RoseRoom Quilts.  I've actually had the pleasure of meeting Cindy through our local Modern Quilt Guild, as she is the president, aside from being super nice, and she is one awesome quilter! 

6.  Lee of Freshly Pieced.  Lee is the host of WIP Wednesday, a weekly linky party to show off what WIPs you are working on!  I don't think I've seen one thing Lee has made that I wasn't drooling over!  One amoung many is her awesome Single Girl Quilt.  

Sorry if this is a duplicate for anyone, but I'd like to thank Kristen again for passing it along to me! 


  1. Oh wow! ::blush:: Thank you so much Jessica! Thanks for saying all those nice things, too! Ooo I love your blog! I'm going to try to post this on my blog later tonight if my head clears up a little bit :-)

  2. Thank you, aren't you sweet! Right back at ya. : )
