
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pouch Mania

It's been all things pouchy in my sewing room the past few days.  My mom asked if I would make her and her "Mahj friends" new little wallets to hold their Mahj things, and looking at the sad looking little pouch she had been using, I just couldn't say no.  

I am participating in the Pretty Little Pouch swap, and figured this would be a good way to get some zipper practice.

These finished little pouches measure approximately 8 inches wide and 5 1/2 inches tall.  I just did some simple piecing and added a fun zipper, and voila!

I hope the ladies like their new pouches!!  

After putting so many of these together in a row, I feel like I have mastered the zipper.  I used Kelly's tutorial for making the zipper tabs, and they came out near perfect each time!  I always liked the look of zippers with the little fabric tabs on the ends, but could never figure out how to make it just right.  With Kelly's tip of cutting the zipper 1 1/2" shorter than your piece of fabric you are piecing into (I cut my fabric 9 inches wide, so I cut my zipper 7 1/2 inches long) the ends finished perfectly every time.  

I decided while I was in pouch making mode I'd put one together for my partner in the Pretty Little Pouch swap too!  I had been itching to cut into my Denyse Schmidt fabric I got at Joann's last week, and thought this  would be a nice little project for it.  This is actually the backside of the pouch, the front has my partners name embroidered on it, so of course I can't show you that!  I feel like this is too simple to just send this pouch, so I'm thinking of playing around with my purse frames to send along a second pouch.

It feels strange, but I don't think I will have a WIP Wednesday post this week!  I just don't have any major projects that are in the works for tomorow!  While it is a good thing, all of my sewing this week has been smaller quick finishes.  On a fun note, I've had two more orders for pintoppers!  I know everyone is probably sick of seeing them, but perhaps I'll share a pic of the latest batch tomorrow.  


  1. Wow, how wonderful not to have any WIP's! Those pouches are so you have been busy!!

  2. These are great pouches! I've been feeling the same way about the pouch swap. It's too small to send just one little pouchy - what else can i add? Even though we aren't supposed to add more. ;)

  3. I so wish you would show a tutorial for these.... I want to make some for me and my daughter....


    Shannon Margaret

  4. Love the mahj pouches! Great idea!

  5. Your pouches are just lovely and thanks for the tute link, it's just great!

  6. WOW! Each happy little pouch is cute as can be. I'm going straight to that zipper tab tutorial. Terrific job!!!
