
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WIP Wednesday {4.6.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

WIP Wednesday time!  Unfortunately there has been little to no sewing done this week.  We had such a crazy busy weekend, that I think the only time I was in my sewing room, was to put away all the fabric I bought on our shop hop!

Ongoing Projects

p.s. i quilt postage stamp quilt along

I finally have all my blocks sewn together for the p.s. i quilt postage stamp quilt along.  I was arranging my blocks on my design wall, I didn't realize how big this quilt is going to be, above is a glimpse at what fit on my design wall.  I did spend some time sewing rows together, and have the quilt top almost half way pieced.  Thats my goal for tonight, get this quilt top finished up!  I really do like how this is turning out.  I was originally thinking of giving this quilt to my cousin and her soon to be husband as a wedding gift, but I found a better quilt to make for them (more to come on that later!)  I'm thinking this might be tucked away for a friends birthday, but we shall see.


pin toppers

I blogged about these yesterday, and I guess it is technically something I did finish this week.  These are available for purchase if anyone is interested for $ 4.00 per topper. 

Cosmo Bag

Cosmo bag fabric choices

Baby steps here.  I have found my fabric I want to use to make my Cosmo Bag from Amy Butler's style stitches!  This is project numero uno after that quilt top is pieced together.

New Projects

Sew Sweetness Sew Along

Sis Boom Jamie Dress Sew Along!

Sara from SewSweetness is hosting a sew along to make a dress!!  Sara always has the most adorable dresses and clothing that she makes featured on her blog, and I am always in awe of what she can do with a sewing machine.  She has put together this awesome sew along using the Sis Boom Jamie dress pattern, which I think looks absolutely adorable. 

I am stepping 100% out of my comfort zone on this one and am hoping that my end result is something I wouldn't be embarassed to wear in public!  Above is the fabric I selected for my dress.  I have to say, I found it very challenging to select a fabric that I could envision on that large of a scale, so here's hoping my selection works well!  My fabric has been prewashed and I need to print out the pattern pieces next.

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park baby quilt #1
Scrappy Rainbow Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 3 (I'm adding in 3 x 6 bee blocks and caretaker block swap here too)
Completed Projects: 0
Ongoing Projects: 5
Be sure to pop over to freshly pieced and add your WIP!


  1. Oh, swoon! Wishing Flowers??? Cosmo bag??? Super yum! I love that Sis Boom pattern, wish I had the confidence to try garment sewing. If and when I do, I will definitely check out that pattern. Your postage stamp top is looking drop dead gorgeous, I just adore it :)

  2. Pretty dress and bag fabrics! I'm waiting for mine to arrive in the mail (for the dress sewalong), and I'll post soon!

  3. Wow, the postage stamp quilt, the fabric and the pin toppers! Way, way too much fun going on here!

  4. postage stamp quilt is very cute..colourful

  5. I am super tempted to try that Sis Boom dress! It is just so darn cute. I don't have time right now but I might just try it in the next couple of weeks.

    That postage stamp quilt is so great! Good luck finishing it! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday.

  6. I love your postage stamp quilt! I'm slowly plugging away at mine as well.

    The fabrics you picked out for your Cosmo Bag are gorgeous, I especially like the one on the right. Are you planning to join in the sew along? Sorry, I can't remember if you are or not!

    I really like that green print for your dress. I had the same problem picking out a fabric & color without being able to try them on. I almost picked up some more for a second dress last night, but realized at the last minute that the color probably would have looked terrible on me. It's hard to remember to look at it that way when you find a fabric you love otherwise.

  7. Your pin toppers are so wonderful! What a great blog you have!

  8. My boobs are WAAAAAY too big for that dress but I must say I absolutely adore the fabric you've chosen.

    Also: pin toppers. ADORABLE!!

  9. Love love love those pin toppers!! They're really striking, I'd love some!! Also your Cosmo bag fabrics, they will work beautifully. And your quilt top is looking lovely, you've been busy!

  10. Love your fabrics! And I hope that my postage stamp quilt ends up looking as good as yours!

  11. Your postage stamp looks fantastic. They are big aren't they? Getting ready to quilt mine and am a little overwhelmed by the size.
    Love those pintoppers, totally adorable! What is that fabric for your cosmo bag? It's awesome.
    I think your sew along fabric will be great for that dress. It's really different picking fabric for clothing rather than quilting isn't it?

  12. I love the postage stamp quilt! So bright! Love it.

  13. Ooooo, LOVE the fabric for your Cosmo Bag!
    And pretty green fabric for the dress -- I'm going to try the dress sew along, too -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  14. Your pin toppers are super cute! Are they easy to use while sewing? Or do they kind of get in the way? I've always wondered about that, but I sure love them! :)
    And I love your fabric choices for your bag!

  15. Umm...pretty much what everyone else said - pin toppers are adorable! And your fabrics for the cosmo kinda make me want to make yet another bag :) can't wait to see it finished!
