
Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm a Farmers Wife

Its official, I've caught the Farmers Wife fever thats been going around blogger land.  I bought the book last week and have been itching to get sewing and finally last night I sat down at my machine and went to town. 

Farmers Wife QAL #1

This first block "Attic Windows" gave me a little trouble, however it was completely my doing.  I was so adamant against using those templates, that I thought "I'll just measure the dimensions and cut things out that way"  now this works very well for  the squares and rectangles, but the pattern pieces snip off the corners of the triangles, I guess to save you the hassle of snipping corners however this completely threw me off when I tried cutting out my triangles without using the templates.  So there I sat for about a half an hour trying to figure out why this darn block wasn't going together properly!  After the second round with the seam ripper a light bulb went off and I figured out my error.  I had cut the triangles too small, and surprise surprise, things weren't working right.  Lesson learned.  Embrace the templates (at least for the triangles and odd shapes).  After I came to this conclusion, it was smooth sailing!

Farmers Wife QAL #2
Block 2: Autumn Tints.
Farmers Wife QAL #3
Block 3: Basket.
Farmers Wife QAL #4
Block 4: Basket Weave

Farmers Wife QAL #5
Block 5: Bat Wing
Farmers Wife QAL #6
Block 6: Big Dipper

As you can see, I am embracing the scrappiness...I'm hoping that I can keep it controlled, so it doesn't look like a big mess of fabric spit up when all is said and done...111 is a lot of scrappy blocks!  I didn't really plan it, but it kind of just happened that I'm trying to use grey as a constant through out most of the blocks as sort of a background color, or somewhere in the block.

Farmers Wife QAL Blocks 1-6
I just love piecing these little blocks, I, like others dont have much "formal" quilting training with traditional precise piecing like this, so its nice to get some experience, and such a wide variety of blocks to make!  I want to get started on another little project tonight, but part of me is saying "oh just make a few more of these blocks instead..." it's official, I'm addicted.


  1. They look great! Love the bat wing. The template thing is a little weird, but once you get used to it it's really not so bad. Glad you caught Farmer's Wife fever! : )

  2. So far, I have stayed away, but you guys are making it so hard! I've got to complete something before I start something new! Yours look great though!

  3. I've ordered my book and am waiting for it to arrive. I can hardly wait to get started after seeing your beautiful blocks. Do you belong to a Farmer's Wife Quilt-along or are you doing it on your own?

  4. Love your blocks, especially #5 - the block pattern and fabric colors are great together!
    I'm soooo ready to get addicted but I have to wait until after 4th of july weekend... too much to do before then, booo.

  5. This is going to be a really nice quilt! Glad you figured out about the triangles. It is so frustrating to have problems and not know why!

  6. They all look great! Maybe if you reuse some of your fabrics in other blocks (that won't be side by side), it'll help it still be scrappy, but a little more cohesive. I like the idea of using grey throughout to tie everything together as well.

    I picked up the book from the library yesterday, but I'm not hooked yet. I was hoping I could save the templates & just work on it some other time, thinking that the templates would be actual block patterns. But now that I know I would have to copy the block patterns out of the book as well, I'll definitely have to buy the book if I decide to join in.

    I look forward to seeing the rest of your blocks!

  7. oh my this is popping up everywhere and the more I see the more I want to join.

  8. The basket block is darling! It is my favorite. Nice work interpreting these blocks into a modern theme :)

  9. They are all looking great! I started last week and got caught up in 4 days with 8 blocks. It is very addicting!

  10. Hooray! I'm glad that you've joined, too!
    And you've made GREAT progress so far!
    Love all the blocks!

  11. Hi i have just found your lovely blog. And i have to say i love your fabrics and your blocks are smashing. Are they to all go together into one quilt? i am loving patchwork quilting at the moment i spend all my spare time doing it ;-)) Its so rewarding. have a lovely weekend, dee x

  12. I refuse to jump on this bandwagon - even if it is all over quilting blogland. I like more modern, symmetrical designs, and even though I know if would be a good way to learn new blocks and new techniques, I would end up with something I wouldn't want to display/use in my house. I do feel like I am the ONLY ONE who's not joining in though! :)
