
Friday, June 3, 2011

makeover: dining room edition

So have you checked out Pinterest yet??  Its kind of addicting, and basically like a virtual design/inspriation wall.  Instead of "bookmarking" all those awesome tutorials I want to try, and then eventually end up forgetting about, I can now add pictures to my "design boards" on Pinterest for a visual reference of just about anything I want a collection of.  Pretty cool.

This new minor addiction of mine has led to a little dining room makeover project that is now swimming through my head.  I think it is totally doable, but my husband just rolls his eyes.  Just another one of my crazy ideas.  So, he'd like to say, thank you Pinterest (yes that is sarcasm dripping from that "thank you") for giving his wife more crafty projects to plan.  No really though, I think I have him on board for my redesign idea (which includes painting the dining room furniture, and is where the majority of his protest comes from), well "on board" enough that he is not vehemently saying "no." I think I've worn him down to just a shoulder shrug (which in my mind is a green light) when I broach the subject.

original pic found here 

original pic here

Drool.  Yes please!  I am in love.  I have been digging the yellow/grey color combo for some time now, and after seeing these awesomely amazing inspiration pictures it came to me that this would make an amazing dining room color palate.

inspiration for decoration

I had seen this picture on Lee's Pinterest page and it started the ideas churning.  Here is the dining room now:

Now please keep in mind, this picture was taken last summer before I moved my sewing stuff to its permanent home in the basement, so it actually does look like a dining room now, but you get the gist.  The furniture is horrible.  We purchased this basic set from a friend of a friend of a friend that needed to get rid of it, basically to just have something in this room when we moved in.  

Now, I've been thinking of painting the furniture for some time now, and after reading this blog tutorial, and doing a little more research, I think it's totally doable.  Anyone have any experience painting furniture? 

So here's what I'm thinking for this dining room makeover:

1.  Repaint furniture black with distressed edges like here (or a deep chestnut brown??  I'm not sure yet, I want to do black, by I'm afraid I won't like it when all is said and done... What do you think, oh wise bloggy friends??) 
2.  Paint walls light grey
3.  Keep trim white
4.  Make curtains out of fun yellow/grey/white fabric
5.  Add framed yellow/grey white prints to walls
6.  New pretty light fixture over the table
7.  Pretty yellow accents throughout the room

Unfortunately our weekends in June are packed to the gills, so this project is going to have to wait until likely July (ugh), but I am super excited and feel like I can pull this off.  

Anyone else have any summer redesign plans??


  1. I too love the yellow/gray combo, and I think your plan sounds great. I vote for the black. Be fearless! :)

  2. It's too funny, I was just today thinking about doing a dining room makeover for us too. We are getting our dining room furniture back finally from staging at the old house. I hate it all and want to do something with it. I'll be watching yours closely! Especially what you do with your china cabinet. I'm thinking of taking the glass doors off mine.

  3. I think this combo would look great in a dining space. As for painting the chairs...sanding is REALLY important! The easiest way to paint them is to tie them up(hang them up) from a tree and use a good quality spray paint made for heavy wear.

  4. my favorite color is white but here im seenig grey color.grey color also good.set of chair in the dining room is looking great.

  5. I like your ideas except for the black or brown table. I love white furniture for the dining can still be distressed, but looks so crisp and fresh. Black painted furniture tends to show every nick.

  6. lovely colors!! I have plans for painting my dining room set as well...huge project but I think it will be worth it!

  7. That's so funny, I've been feeling the same way...I didn't think much of Pinterest at first, but it's totally inspiring!

  8. I think you've just talked me into joining Pinterest!
    I love your ideas for a dining room re-do.
    I have a friend who did black distressed chairs, and they are fabulous!
    Can't wait to see pictures of your progress!

  9. That picture I pinned on Pinterest is exactly what I'm thinking about for my dining room too! We had a roof leak so the room needs to be repainted anyway - the problem is, it's currently red, and I don't know if I'm up for the many coats required to cover red. We'll see! Good luck with your project, I can't wait to see it!

    It's taken me awhile to get into Pinterest but I'm definitely getting there. : )

  10. I love re-do's and would love to see what you end up doing. I just did a re-do in my family room. Any furniture that was a stained wood we painted white or black and I love it! Love the yellow/gray! Your welcome to check out what I did!
