
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WIP Wednesday {6.8.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Eeek!  Wednesday why must you sneak up on me so?  With summer finally upon us, I seem to be heaping on more and more projects, with less and less time to work on them.  I vote for adding one extra hour to the day that can solely be used for quilty things :-)  yes, that would be fantastic.

New Projects

Kaleidoscope Quilt Along

A new quilt along?  With Elizabeth from Don't Call Me Betsy?  And Kaleidoscopes?  Yes Please!!  There's still time, you can sign up here.  These are my yummy fabrics just waiting to be cut into.

Dining Room Remodel

See here.  I am dreaming of yellow and grey design ideas, and I cannot wait to get started on this.

In Progress

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

This is truly a labor of love.  I officially have two rows completed, and joined together.  And joining them was a pain in the you-know-what.  I'll save the details for another post, but suffice it to say, me and this quilt had words, I figured out what I did wrong to make us fight, and then I banished it to the corner for the rest of the week to focus on other things.  Much better.  I did figure out what was causing the difficulties, so when I get back to it, it should be smoother sailing.

Pretty Pouches

I offered up my sewing skills to make a few things for my cousin's bridal shower which is fast approaching at the end of this month.  These zippy pouches are the first of a few projects I'm making, and measure approximately 8 inches x 5 1/2 inches and will be used as "prizes" for bridal bingo.  7 more pouches, an apron and a "kitchen" gift basket to make.  In the next 2 weeks.  Eeek!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park Baby Quilt
Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 3
Completed Projects: 0
Ongoing Projects: 9

June Bee Blocks
Postage Stamp Quilt
Central Park Baby Quilt
Double Wedding Ring Quilt
Apron Project (cousin's bridal shower)

10 zip pouches (cousin's bridal shower)
Kitchen themed gift basket (cousin's bridal shower)...oh the joys of being a bridesmaid! :-)
Kaliedoscope Quilt Along
Dining Room Remodel

Be sure to stop over at Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!


  1. YOu've been busy. The double wedding ring quilt is beautiful. I'm too scared to try that one!

  2. I'm holding off on Elizabeth's QAL because there's a double wedding ring QAL coming up. I'm sure I'll be cursing mine just as you are! Yours is looking gorgeous.and those pouches are really cute. I want to come to the shower so I have a chance too. lol

  3. Your DWR quilt really makes me swoon every time I see it. I can totally see how you would have words with it, too!! I love your choices for the Kaleidoscope QAL, it's going to be gorgeous!

  4. Busy ,busy, busy!

    You know if we had another hour it would go the same way as our other hours, don't you?

  5. Super cute little pouches!
    And your double wedding ring quilt is just gorgeous!

  6. Love your little zippy pouches! Great fabrics.

  7. Oh dear. Those wedding rings are something else, aren't they!? Good luck! Love your fabric for the kaleidoscope qa! (Can't wait!)

  8. That wedding ring project is DEFINITELY a labor of love - it's looking great!

  9. I'm way too intimidated by a double wedding ring quilt to ever do one, so kudos to you! it's looking great, I like your fabric choices. I'm not doing the kaleidoscope qal but I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else does, it looks cool.

  10. I love your wedding ring quilt every time you post about it! It's awesome that you are still diligently working on it!

    I think I'm going to do the Kaleidoscope QAL too, but I haven't picked out fabric. I love your choices.

  11. We had someone do a little explanation of curved piecing in quilt guild a couple of weeks ago and I thought of your wedding ring quilt. It's coming along great. Your fabric choices (for everything) are lovely!

  12. LOVELY! Gee - the way you have the double wedding ring hanging - at first I thought the thumbnail was a finished valance. Not a bad idea! Looks pretty! ; )


  13. I am totally in love with your double wedding ring.

  14. Okay--true confession. I have a double wedding ring hanging out somewhere in the back of my quilt closet--better get it out and get working on it. I find reading other people's WIPs helps me remember some of my own that need completing.

    Elizabeth E.

  15. I also have a wedding ring in progress {actually in limbo, I don't know where all the pieces are, LOL}. Visiting from Freshly Pieced.
    ~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva 
