
Monday, June 13, 2011

zippity zip

zippy pouches

As promised, I did finish something as of late!  

Zippy pouches

These little zippy pouches will be used as "prizes" for my cousin's upcoming bridal shower.  I followed the same method I used here to whip up these cuties.  I must say, I do not think I will ever finish a zipper any other way than using the tabs on the ends, it just makes such a clean professional looking finish.  

zippy pouches

I had a good time playing with my fabric stash to come up with these color combos, and for the most part worked out of my scrap bins.  Theres really an assortment here, and I have to say it will be hard to part with them.  

zippy pouches

In case your in the market for zippers, I found these bright fun zips from zipit on Etsy.  I just checked, apparently their shop is closed until Friday for vacation, but they had close to every color under the rainbow in all sorts of different lengths and great prices.  I think I bought 50 at one time, and picked 5 each of 10 different colors.  Such a great deal (I think it worked out to somewhere around 50 cents per zipper) compared to what they run per zipper if purchasing somewhere like Joanns.   

zippy pouches

These measure approximately 8 inches wide by 5 1/2 inches tall and are great for holding all sorts of odds and  ends.  

zippy pouches

I made 10 total, but thought the mosaic for 9 looked prettier.  Now to find a pretty way to package them, and I'll be set!  

zippy pouches


  1. Love all those colors! I might have to order some.

  2. too cute! they will love them.

  3. They are all so pretty it would be hard to pick just one. I'm sure the your cousin is going to love them.

  4. "Sew" nice!! they are just so fun!

  5. Lovely pouches - I'm sure all the winners will be delighted and anyone who misses out will be so jealous! (You made sure there was one per person, didn't you? LOL)

  6. Lovely! The prize winners will be delighted and those who miss out will be so jealous! (You did make enough for each person, didn't you? LOL)

  7. awesome! I might crash the shower so i can get one! they look fantastic. Thanks for the link on the zippers too

  8. What a cute little crop of pouches! Such pretty colors. : )
