
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Double Wedding Ring Quilt Top

It's done! It's done! It's done! It's done!  Yes, this is me doing my happy dance that my DWR quilt top is finally complete!!  I do apologize for the crappy indoor pictures, I finished this well after the sun had set, and just had to snap some pics and blog about my euphoria :-)

I used Joel Dewberry's Aviary 2 for the fabrics to make up the rings and Kona Bone as the solid.  Aside from the many many pin pricks from pinning all those arcs together, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.  I think the hardest part of this entire quilt was piecing together the rows.  The secret I found out one row into it is to leave those 1/4" seams unsewn at the beginnings end ends of your "cornerstones" so that you can make the seam lie nice and flat.  (Similar to how you'd machine sew hexagons together).  Once I figured that out, it was pretty smooth sailing...very slow sailing, but smooth none the less.

As for the back, I'm sort of torn.  I know I want to do some scrappy piecing using a few prints I have left over from the rings on the front, but do you think it would be okay to use a different solid than the Kona Bone that I used on the front?   I was thinking of either Kona Ash or Kona Charcoal, but the more I look at it, should I just keep things consistent and use Kona Bone as the main solid on the back?  Or I suppose I could chose a color color that is represented on the front as the main solid for the back...What do you think bloggy friends?  You always have such great ideas :-)  

More on this soon...Thanks in advance for all your help!


  1. Beautiful! A great accomplishment......

  2. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful! And I totally think using gray on the back would be interesting. From the picture you posted I'm inclided to suggest Ash, though of course in real life, maybe you can see that the charcoal would be better...anxious to see what you choose!

  3. I think you should use a different color on the back, and I like ash or charcoal as options. It's BEAUTIFUL though, you did a fantastic job!

  4. First thing that I thought of way some shade of grey, its a great neutral and sets of colour so well. So if that's what you were thinking, WOW!! great minds and all that!
    grace at amnet dot net dot au

  5. Oh, I forgot to comment on your work..the quilt looks so great, and I can imagine how much work went into making it look so great! You certainly are creating a lovely quilt that will be a delight to have and use. Keep up the good work!
    grace at amnet dot net dot au

  6. Jessica tis is just gorgeous, you must be so thrilled with it! I think the charcoal would be great on the back, it would work with the dark tones in your Aviary fabric I would think (although I can't see the colours wonderfully well on screen) alternatively I would go with one of the darker colours from your prints. Can't wait to see it all done!

  7. It's just beautiful. Fantastic job.

  8. Oh, Jess, it looks fantastic!!! I agree, I think the gray would be really nice - it would really work nicely with the shades in Aviary, can't wait to see it come together!!

  9. Quite an accomplishment! Congrats on a beautiful quilt.

  10. You should be so proud! What an accomplishment. It's beautiful! I'd say go with a different colored solid as long as it goes with the colors in the rings.

  11. congrats! it looks fantastic :) I'd say you could venture out for the backing. as long as you aren't looking at another hue of white, I think it will look nice with some variation in neutral/color. I personally would love to see that bright blue or the rich purple color, but whatever you choose will look a+ I'm sure!

  12. It's stunning Jessica! That is definitely one to be proud of.

  13. Wow! Love this and I'm so impressed... how long did this take you--doesn't seem like long. :) I think a solid of another color color would look great on the back!

  14. How beautiful Jessica! Thanks for the tip :o)
    I say do what feels right. It will all look great in the end.

  15. Beautiful quilt! You did an amazing job. I think a color on the back would be great. How about that lavender from the front? Can't wait to see what you decide to do!

  16. Congratulations! This was a ton of work and it looks great! I think it's just fine to put a different solid on the back. I'd suggest using two main solids that complement your favorite aviary prints and then use a bit of bone around the piecing to tie things together. I'm sure it will be stunning whatever you decide!

  17. A.beautiful quilt and I like your fabric choices.

  18. Holy cow. it is gorgeous! Such impressive work. Can't wait to see it quilted!

  19. Ooh,
    This is fantastic! I think gray would be cool on the back. Have you thought about using a yellow that matches the yellow in your intersections? That would be fun too.

  20. This is absolutely gorgeous! What an accomplishment!

    I think a gray for the back would be lovely. I can't wait to see it quilted!

  21. Whatever you use for the backing, I'd make sure it's rather light so you don't have shadowing to the front in those areas where you have bone-colored Kona. I made a queen-sized, all-lights DWR quilt several years ago and used a light-colored print backing. Actually, it was a wide-back, so I wouldn't have pieced seams to shadow to the front. Your quilt top is beautiful!

  22. What a beautiful quilt. You did an amazing job. I think that the gray on the back would look nice.

  23. Amazing nice work and good piecing tip! I vote for a print back to complement the lovely movement and vibrance of the DWR front. I know that was not one of your options...but just another idea for you to ponder :) to quilt it? I can't wait to see what you do.
    Happy Quilting!

  24. I like how he's staying. I wanted to make one of these but I have no right pan

  25. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Eeek! I'm starting mine soon (I cut out some of the arc pieces already). Yours is so gorgeous! I think you should use a color that's represented, for the back!

  26. It is gorgeous! I just decided last night that I want to make one of these for my parents' 35th wedding anniversary next year. Love seeing one finished :)

  27. The pattern and contrast in your fabrics is stunning! Will you be quilting this by hand or machine?

  28. WAY TO GO!!! It looks fantastic. I vote on Charcoal for the back - light on one side & dark on the other.

  29. well done Jess - it looks fantabulous - and a plain backing - love the idea of the darker Kona Charcoal - I used a half and half piece from my stash (half white and half cream) and although the quilting looks pretty good on the back, I think I wished I'd made it darker and all one colour.

    Well done to you again ;>

  30. This just turned out fantastic. Well done!
