
Friday, July 15, 2011

down on the farm

Farmers Wife Blocks 15, 16, 17, 19

Here's this weeks update from down on the farm.  These little bitty blocks are part of the Farmers Wife QAL.  Please excuse some of these pictures, my camera did not want to agree when snapping these, and at 11:30 last night, I didn't have the energy to fuss with them!

Block # 15 Buzzard's Roost

This block was one of the easier to put together, I knew I wanted to fussy cut my center block, and from seeing others blocks remembered cut my center on point!  The main fabric is Central Park.  I'm not sure what the yellow is, I picked up a bunch of new fabric at my LQS this weekend, and this was one of the prints. 

Block # 16 Calico Puzzle

This was the easiest by far of this weeks blocks to assemble, I've started writing the measurements of at least the square and rectangle templates on the actual templates.  I just find it easier to strip cut some of these easier templates than mess with keeping the templates aligned while cutting.  I'm finding a nice middle ground between embracing the templates, and being a rebel by cutting by measurement :-) (Again, more new fabrics added to my stash, the grey is Sherbert Pips)

Block # 17 Cat and Mice

Ugh.  Please just skip over this one.  And the terrible picture isn't doing this any justice.  Really, the fabric is a bright teal, and the dots are green.  Again, sorry.  Terrible picture.  This block just did not want to line up for me.  See those 5 whole squares?  When I assembled everything they seemed to be about a 1/4" too big for some reason.  At first I thought those quarter square blocks were too small, but that wasn't it.  Anyways, after finishing this block, and not really liking the design to begin with, I didn't care to redo it. 

Block # 18 Checkerboard

This block is a prime example about what I like best about this QAL.  Picking the fabrics!  Yes by far this is my favorite part!  It's so fun to see the transformation from how the book depicts what the block looks like (in this case, old and doudy) to what they look like in fun fresh fabrics.  And in case you're wondering, yes I did skip block #17.  Apparently when I printed out the templates, I decided to skip the ones necessary for block #17.  I didn't feel like printing them at the last minute, and I had the templates for block #18 instead.  I'll tackle those triangles with next weeks batch.

Here's what I have so far, kind of a schmorgasboard of scrappiness, but I'm liking it! 


  1. Definitely a smorgasbord, but a smorgasbord I like! I really dig the checkerboard block, I love how fresh it looks! It's amazing how much fabric choices can change the entire look of a block. I'm so not looking forward to cat and mouse next week :)

  2. They are so beautiful all together! The smorgasbord look is what's so great about this QA! : )

  3. I'm loving the scrappiness! I like how it makes each block stand out on its own just enough to make you look at all the little details in each individual block, instead of getting lost in the whole. Looking great!

  4. looking good jess - and chequerboard is my fave I think - gorgeous

  5. Visually stunning!! Great work!

  6. Okay I am going to take a chance on this. I would love that wonky block. If you haven't tossed it I would gladly give it some love on a pillow or something. I love all your blocks and especially love the array of colors and patterns.
    Sew pretty!

    esterling9 at aol dot com

  7. I think you've hit the nail on the head! I'm loving watching some of these blocks be transformed by the fabric choices, they're lovely :-)
