
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July Bee Blocks

I have been having a bit of quilty ADD these past few days, I feel like I have so many things "in progress" that I just needed to work on something and finish it.  I turned to my July bee blocks (nothing like down to the wire, right?), and now have something to check off my list.

Solid Bee-August/Littleloops

This block is for Lynda (Littleloops) in the Solids Bee.  She sent us some black and white solid fabric and asked that we make any pieced block we'd like!  I decided on some 2" HSTs in a fun zig zag design.  I just find this so striking, I will have to keep a black and white quilt in mind for the future.  These blocks will be made into a quilt for her daughter, I don't know how she will part with this quilt!

Simply Strings-August/SparklySabah

For the Simply Strings bee, Sabah (SparklySabah) sent along some fun red scraps with a fussy cut square for the center and asked for a log cabin type block.  I added a few of my own red scraps and ended up with a wonky log cabin/drunk love style block.  This has to be one of my favorite blocks to piece together, it's fun to not have to think about precise measurements and lining up points every once in a while!


  1. The black and white block is striking! Great job on both of them! ;)

  2. The black and white is striking; though I don't know if I could live with it!

    I like the idea of occasionally not having to match points!

  3. Love the black and white block! Great choice for a bee block.

  4. Fun!! I love that black and white block, it's so eye-catching! Your string block is also a lot of fun, great colors :)

  5. Great blocks - especially love the red one!
