
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WIP Wednesday {7.6.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Before I get to whats been going on this week, don't forget there are still 2 days to enter to win a GO! Baby and three dies of your choice!  You can enter here if you haven't already!

New and Completed Projects


Quilted Pillows

These quilted pillows were a gift for my brother and his girlfriend as they just moved into their first apartment! More on the pillows here.  Stay tuned for an upcoming tutorial on the zig zag pillow using the GO! Baby cutter and 3" half square triangle die.  

In Progress

DWR Quilt

I know this doesn't look much different than the last time I posted about it, but I have made progress!  I finally got the third row of rings attached, only 2 more to go!  This went much smoother than when I pieced the first two rows together.  Here's the trick, you need to mark the seams on those cornerstone pieces, like when you prepare hexagons to machine piece them, and begin and stop sewing 1/4 inch from each edge.  Everything matched up nice and almost perfect, with no headaches!

I also pieced together the last 36 arcs and attached them to the "melons", so the end is nearing!  I'm feeling a quilt top in the very near future...

Farmers Wife QAL

My creation

These things are so addicting to make, I can never stop at just two!  Here are this weeks four blocks, and I think my favorite group to date.  More on these little buddies here.

Farmers Wife QAL Blocks 1-14

This brings me a to a grand total of 14 blocks, with many many many more to go!

Kaleidoscope QAL

Still just a pile of soon as my DWR is off my design wall, this is next on the list!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park Baby Quilt
Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 1
Ongoing Projects: 9

July Bee BlocksPostage Stamp Quilt

Central Park Baby Quilt
Double Wedding Ring Quilt
Kaleidoscope Quilt Along
Dining Room Remodel
Farmers Wife Quilt Along
4 x 5 Modern Quilt Bee
Secret Little Quilt Swap 

Be sure to stop over at Freshly Pieced and add your WIP!


  1. Another busy week for you! I really like the colors for the pillows you made, I'm sure your brother & his girlfriend will like them. I know I sure would! :) Your DWR is looking great!

  2. Your DWR is so beautiful - great progress!

  3. My, you have been busy, haven't you?

  4. Good for you, look at all of those almost-DWR-rings!! That's great! Your brother and his wife are going to be so floored by that quilt :) I really dig your FW blocks so far, too!

  5. Great pillows - love the colors!
    Your DWR quilt is awesome, and so near to done, wow!

  6. Busy girl! Love the pillows. You are a brave woman to tackle the DWR. You make it sound almost doable.

  7. how on earth do you get so much done! i'm jealous of your progress, lol. everything looks fantastic! love the pillows. I've always looked at wedding ring quilts and thought they must be so much work. are they?

  8. really fun pic of your melons. :D

  9. I love your double wedding ring!

  10. very nice pillows! I LOVE the DWR.

  11. LOVE the DWR. I hope to one day get the patience and talent to make one.

  12. you know I love those pillows...the dwr is gorgeous!! that melon I have never reminds me somewhat of the giant all the colours...and your FWQ moving right along. I don't know how you get so much done

  13. Love your DWR, its so, so striking and is going to look amazing! Your FW blocks look lovely too :-)

  14. The quilt is going to be beautiful! I have yet to tackle that pattern.

  15. Your double wedding ring is beautiful. What fabric is that? I love the way the purple is balanced with the blues and greens. I don't use nearly enough purple.

  16. I love your zigzag pillows, they look awesome! And your FW blocks look great, lovely fabric choices :)

  17. I love your FW blocks and the double wedding ring is beautiful!

  18. Love your pillows! and the double wedding ring! Oh, and the FW blocks too! All of your projects are rocking right now!

  19. Wow, you really accomplished a lot this week! Unlike me! Everything looks great, I just love your Farmer's Wife blocks. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  20. Those pillows are beautiful. Love the colors and the patterns.
