
Sunday, September 25, 2011

A weekender kind of weekend

It's done!  It's done!  It's done!  {insert happy dance here}!  My fingers will eventually recover from the 9,000 pin pricks, and I'm pretty sure my arms are going to be sore tomorrow from wrangling this behemoth through my machine, but it's done, and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.  

By far the trickiest part was sewing the whole conglomeration together with the cording, but with the help of some clothespins, like Elizabeth and Megan had suggested instead of the binder clips as recommended in the directions, it went much smoother than I had envisioned the dreaded step 11c would go.  I will also advise using steam a seam or stitch witchery when making the cording.  You end up sewing the cording three times, with the idea that you sew closer and closer to the actual cord with each set of stitches.  Using a double sided adhesive eliminates at least one set of stitches.     

Instead of the elusive non separating zipper the directions call for, I picked up this parka zipper at Joann's and thought it would do the trick.  I like it because its more of a heavy duty zipper, and it has two zipper pulls for opening and closing.  I had planned on just taking off one of the pulls when I shortened the zipper to the length I needed, but I ended up leaving both pulls on.  In the end, I think I am going to like the two pulls, as it now opens from either end.  I want to add a fun decorative pull to the zipper, but by the time I got the bag finished, I just wanted to be done.  

I also lengthened the handles some, so that it now comfortably fits on my shoulder.  I cut the handle length to 54" instead of the 48" called for in the instructions, as Becky had suggested when she made her Weekender

I also made a few alterations to the interior.  I found it odd that for a bag this big there were no interior pockets included in the pattern.  I took matters into my own hands and added a few pockets to the inside, and am so so happy I did.  

 For this pocket, I used the pattern for the exterior pockets, and just sewed a seam down the middle to create two sections.

On the other side of the interior I added a zipper pocket using this tutorial.  I am planning on using this bag as a carry on bag for an upcoming trip, and thought I could use this more secure inside pocket for my passport and ID.  

I tried to avoid hand stitching as much as possible, because for starters I'm no good at it, and secondly, because I just plain don't like it.  I again took a hint from Elizabeth, and pinned the top of my lining to just inside the zipper portion of the outer bag, and machine sewed over top of my line of stitching from installing the zipper to secure my lining.  This way I know my lining is nice and secure, and don't have to worry about my hand stitching coming undone.  I was noticing I think from the extra weight of adding the pockets I added to the lining that the lining kept sort of collapsing on itself and looking messy, so I broke down and just added a line of hand stitching along the upper seam where the cording is, to keep the lining nice and tight against the walls of the bag.  

All in all I'm glad I challenged myself with this bag.  I can't say I'll be making another for quite some time, if ever, but I'm super pleased with how it turned out, and I'm sure it will get lots and lots of use.  

While I'm super bummed I'm missing out on the Sewing Summit this year (maybe next year??), I am consoled  by the fact that my new weekender bag and I (along with the hubs :-) ) will be sipping some sort of tropical drink on the beach in T minus 12 days.  By some stroke of luck we have convinced my brother to come and house sit/dog sit the crazies for the week we are gone.  Cue music...All my bags are packed I'm a ready to go...

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

I'll be linking up to Sew Modern Monday, stop over and check out all the amazing modern finishes! 


  1. It looks amazing! I love the fabrics/colors you've chosen. Way to conquer the Weekender! Have fun on your trip!

  2. WhoooHOooo....way to go kiddo!;) You did a fanfreakingtastic job and I'm sure you will be so proud to be able to say you made it yourself!:)

    Yes...why would anyone want something wonderful like that without inside pockets!;)

  3. Super awesome, Jess!!!! I think your bag turned out fabulous, I love how professional it looks! Love the fabric for the exterior, too :)

  4. Wow, you did a GREAT job with this bag (it's on my "some day, when I work up the courage" list). Love that fabric: the colors are so fresh and summery, and it suits the bag shape really well.

  5. I'm so impressed, Jess! Love the fabric, and you're so smart to add those pockets.

  6. Wow! This is fantastic! You must be so please with it!

  7. It's beautiful Jess! You did a fabulous job!

  8. Gorgeous bag! I'm going to try and use conglomeration in a sentence today :)

  9. Woohoo, well done, it looks fab! You certainly do get a workout wrestling those AB bags through the machine, don't you? lol

  10. Fabulous... look at you, all ready to go read a sewing mag!

  11. really gorgeous, I love the fabric you chose.

  12. Way to go! I made a Weekender a couple years ago for a friend, and have been to scared to start another one for myself!!! :)

  13. Looks great! I really like the fabric you picked out, and you did a great job lining up the pattern on the outside pocket. I'm going to keep your zipper in mind if/when I make one of these. I like the idea of it being able to open from either side.

  14. YAY, YAY, YAY! :) Yours looks GREAT! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great vaca!

  15. This is amazing, I'm in awe!
    I'm sad, too, about missing out on the Sewing Summit - we have a family weekend away planned - so maybe next year! Have fun on the beach!

  16. how cool is this!!!

  17. Love this bag! I'd be terrified and probably never finish it so kudos to you - the colors are fantastic!

  18. Your bag is very impressive! Love the fabric and your attention to detail. Hope you have many special memories together:)
