
Monday, September 19, 2011

weekender weekend progress

We had quite the busy weekend this past weekend, my mother in law and I went to see Wicked on Saturday night, and it was A.MAZ.ING.  Oh my goodness, I want to go again!  I immediately downloaded the soundtrack to my iPod, and have been humming the songs non stop.  Tomorrow is the hubs and I's anniversary, so he surprised me with tickets to yesterdays Steelers game.  We were up and at 'em quite early to get in our fair share of tailgating, who knew burgers and beer could taste so good at 9 AM! 

Anyways, in the midst of our busy weekend, I did manage some time to get to work on my Weekender bag, and made some fairly decent progress!   

AB Weekender progress

I must say,  when I decided to give this bag a try, I was expecting  the absolute worst.  Now, don't get me wrong, it hasn't exactly been a walk in the park, I think I've broken one denim strength needle, have had to use my seam ripper a few times, and have thrown away more bent pins than I care to remember, but all in all things are moving along quite well.  Each step I finish I think I subconsciously hold my breath waiting for a "doozy" with the next step, but so far it has been quite manageable.
AB Weekender progress

While I am loving this fabric I chose, the geometric design really shows off any misalignments.  I tried my best to match up the pocket section to the main panel, and think I for the most part succeeded.  I am noticing that my fabric is ever so slightly crooked, but I can live with it.

AB Weekender progress

I am through step 8 or 9.  This is the top panel with the installed zipper, I ended up using a parka zipper that I found at Joanns.  It actually has two zips, I thought about taking one of the zipper pulls off, but ended up leaving it.  I figure for the wear and tear, it might not be a bad idea to have two pulls.  I also really like that this zipper is quite "heavy duty".  It's white in color, so still blends in, but did give a heck of a time trying  to sew over it during the installation process.  I think I just have to add the side pockets, and then the fun of sewing the whole conglomeration together begins.  I again am bracing myself for the worst with that step, cross your fingers!

AB Weekender progress

I am incredibly pleased with how this is turning out, hopefully it continues to be smooth sailing!



  1. It looks great so far - good luck with the rest of it!

  2. Wow, that looks amazing! Great job!

  3. Holy cow, I am SO impressed with the way everything lines up all perfectly!!!! This bag is looking super awesome so far!

  4. Wow! That is really looking great!

  5. I adore the fabric you chose and you've done a fabulous job matching everything up! It looks fantastic so far!

  6. Oh my gosh!!! I love it so much, you did a great job choosing your fabrics!

    Sorry to bother you, but I figured you were busy...I sent a message a bit back about a Christmas Sampler quilt, and I was just wondering if you were interested (I didn't want to ask somebody else before I heard from you). Again, I don't mean to bother you!!

  7. This rocks! :) One tip--use clothes pins for the next few steps. It will save you a few headaches! :)

  8. It looks like you are about to conquer the Weekender! Looks great and I love the fabric you're using!

  9. It's looking great! Love the fabric too. This looks like such a hard pattern, I'm not sure my patience would survive it!

  10. Looking great so far, good luck with the final step!

  11. You should be pleased - it looks fabulous!!

  12. Happy anniversary!

    Your bag is looking good. Well done.

  13. I LOVE WICKED!! I did the "Wicked Lottery" for tickets before the show in my town and I WON!!! It was so much fun and such great music. I could watch it a thousand times!

    Your bag is super cute :) love that fabric!

    Happy Anniversary to you too!
