
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sanctuary Squares baby quilt top

We've had just horrible cold and rainy weather this weekend, and horrible weather = lots of sewing time down in my sewing room!  


Lots and lots of chain piecing occurred, and quickly turned into this finished baby quilt top (please pardon the terrible horrible indoor pics to follow, mother nature was not agreeing with an outdoor photo shoot today):

Sanctuary Squares baby quilt top

I had this quilt from Hyacinth Quilt Designs pinned on my Pinterest wall for some time now, and thought that this commissioned baby quilt would be the perfect opportunity to give it a try.  I altered the dimensions, so that this top measures 42" square, and a perfect baby quilt/crib quilt size.  

Sanctuary Squares baby quilt top

 Sanctuary Squares baby quilt top

I really love how these colors work together, all of the fabrics came from my stash, the animal prints are from Kate Spain's Central Park, with various assorted prints in blues, greens and yellows, with Kona White as the "frame" color and Kona Chocolate as the background color.  I have a good bit of the white Kate Spain animal print stashed away, and will make a perfect quilt back for this little guy's quilt.  

Sanctuary Squares baby quilt top

Sanctuary Squares baby quilt top

I'm going to set this quilt top aside until after our vacation to finish up, I'm thinking either some free motion stippling, or some fun organic wavy lines, we'll see what sort of mood I'm in.

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations
I will be linking up to Sew Modern Monday, stop over and see what everyone is up to!


  1. I love chain piecing! It feels so productive. The quilt looks great.

  2. Really love this! Pattern is great and the colours and prints are fab for a baby quilt :-)

  3. Beautiful! Love the modern feel of this:)

  4. Love your quilt!! The blocks pop so well on the brown background. Lucky baby!

  5. Love this design! The colors and fabrics you chose are just perfect.

  6. Love this design and the fabrics you chose!

  7. ooo love this - totally fabulous!

  8. WOW!! That's very striking! Lovely!

  9. Absolutely lovely quilt! The brown-green- orange color combination is great, and the framed pictures blocks are just perfect for this lucky baby!

  10. Ooooooooooh, I love, love, love this one.

  11. Looks fab! We had the same kind of weather, and I managed to piece a back, baste, quilt and bind my very first quilt. It was something of a marathon!

  12. That top looks amazing, Jessica!!! I'm needing to do a green and brown baby quilt for a friend, and I was positively dreading it, since brown isn't my thing, but you're making me change my mind about brown with this gorgeous top!!

  13. wow I love this. I love the rich brown background. How lucky are you to have such an adorable stash of fabric.

  14. I love the use of chocolate as the background and I agree, the colours do work well together.

  15. Gorgeous quilt Jess - love these fabrics with the brown sashing!!

  16. hi jess - gorgeous quilt - and just to let you know i've linked your post to one i've written today - hope you don't mind!

