
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WIP Wednesday {10.19.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Ahh it's so nice to be back for WIP Wednesday!  After a refreshing week away, it was nice to get back to my sewing machine these past few days.  Here's whats new:

New Projects

ABC Sampler

I started this Daisy Chain ABC Crewelwork Sampler while away last week.  Hand embroidery is my new favorite hand project, by far.  This pattern is by Posie: Rosie Little Things.  It may take me months to complete this, but it will be so so worth it when its finished.

In Progress

Chocolate Sanctuary Baby Quilt

Armed with my iPod and sewing playlist, this quilt top turned quilt sandwich and I spent some quality time stippling last night.  The binding is attached, and this quilt should be finished up and on its way to it's new home soon!

Farmers Wife QAL

I swear.  This is the week.  I will get back in the farmers wife groove!

Birdie Stitches

I had every intention of making up a few blocks to take on vacation, but I just ran out of time, more of these to come soon.

This Weeks Stats:
New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 

Chocolate Sanctuary Baby Quilt
Daisy Chain ABC Sampler
Birdie Stitches
October Bee Blocks
Blocks that need to be turned into a quilt top
Spiderweb Blocks
3x6 bee blocks
UFO Quilt Tops (maybe, someday)
Postage Stamp
Central Park squares

Be sure to stop over at Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!


  1. Everything is looking good. Can't wait to see that baby quilt. And that! That is going to be so gorgeous!

  2. I actually gasped (out loud!) when I saw your crewel work - that is SO cool!!!! I love that sampler, but I totally don't have those skills - can't wait to see how it turns out, it's going to be GORGEOUS!!!

  3. Wow! I LOVE that sampler. Is that embroidery? I don't even know how to do that!! Definitely want to see more of that chocolate baby quilt soon.

  4. Your embroidery is beautiful! I used to do that alot & haven't in years, but that sampler is calling to me!

  5. The embroidery alphabet is gorgeous!!

    And loving that fabric stack. Looking forward to what it turns into!

  6. Your sampler looks great! It'll be adorable when you're finished. :)

  7. Good luck with your list, can't wait to see that embroidery finished :o)

  8. I love your fabric choices for the Chocolate Sanctuary quilt!

  9. Your sampler is gorgeous. I admire you for having that skill, handwork is not my forte.

  10. I'm loving your embroidered alphabet! It is a lovely pattern!

  11. Your sampler is amazing good! I thought about starting it, but haven't yet...yours ALMOST made me change my mind... ;)
