
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday {11.9.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

It's the anniversary edition of WIP Wednesday!  While I jumped in later in the game, it's amazing how the last year has just flown by.  Thanks Lee for hosting  this awesome WIP party each and every week!


Tangled Windows Terrain quilt top

Terrain quilt top

More on this quilt top here.  I'm about to get started on piecing the back of this together, and hopefully get it quilted soon!

In Progress

ABC Sampler progress

Pardon the crappy lighting here, I snapped this with my iPhone last night, but I've been making slow but steady progress on this little guy.  It is my go to hand progect when on the go, or vegging in front of  the TV.  While I really like how this is progressing, I already have visions of doing this again using the crewel yarn and possibly some different colors...

4x5 Modern Quilting Bee

4x5 bee block possibility

I started playing around with some block ideas for this round of the 4x5 bee, and made up a paper pieced test block of some flying geese in my colors.  I think I like it, but I'm not sold.  I may try it again with the angles a little more severe, I think it looks like I just sewed it together crooked, haha. 

This Weeks Stats:
New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 7

Terrain Quilt
4x5 Bee Blocks
Daisy Chain ABC Sampler
Birdie Stitches

Blocks that need to be turned into a quilt top
Spiderweb Blocks
3x6 bee blocks

UFO Quilt Tops (maybe, someday)
Postage Stamp
Central Park squares

Be sure to check out the anniversary edition of WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced!


  1. I just love that sampler, especially on the linen. So cute! And your flying geese block looks amazing! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  2. I love your alphabet! So pretty. :)

  3. I love everything you are working on. Your sampler is sooo fun.

  4. Your Terrain project I shared with another blogger who was struggling with how to sash some blocks together. She LOVED your idea! So clever!

  5. I love that ABC sampler, I've had it on my wish list for quite some time now. Yours is looking really good! And I think your block for the 4x5 bee looks good! I like the color combo on it too.

  6. Love your 4x5 block. Flying geese in that arrangement has been on my list for a while. I love it!

  7. Everything is beautiful....but I especially like the tangled is soooooo striking!

  8. The 4x5 bee block is just great. I love flying geese, and the colours you used are right up my alley. Beautiful.

  9. that sampler is fabulous, you may have just inspired me to start that.. also love the terrain, the blocks showcase the fabric nicely!

  10. I love everything you are working on now especially your Terrain quilt! Your design showcases the fabrics perfectly!

  11. Your Terrain quilt is looking great! Love your design! And the flying geese block looks awesome, too! I've had that alphabet sampler pinned for so long but haven't done anything about it yet. Yours looks fabulous!

  12. Oh yay, your sampler is coming along great, love it!

  13. I agree with Lee, the linen on your sampler makes it even more gorgeous than it already is! Love your Terrain quilt top, too, such a pretty design!

  14. All your projects are inspiring! Still loving your Tangled Windows!!

  15. Lovely projects - that quilt top is really inspiring!

  16. all three projects you shared look fantastic! I am amazed by your crewel embroidery work, great job! I am really falling in love with Kate Spain's fabric lines, you've done a great job with this line! Your modern geese have great color choices!

  17. What a great use of the Terrain fabric!

  18. Loving your Tangled Windows. The Daisychain sampler is sooo pretty and love the colours of the flying geese on the Modern Bee sample block.

  19. Your work is lovely, I especially love the stitching.

  20. I'm loving all your projects! Your sampler is amazing in particular!

  21. Oh my, you have so many neat things going on!!!!

  22. Your daisy chain sampler is just gorgeous! I'm really enjoying seeing your progress on it every week.

  23. Your terrain quilt is amazing!! Those are some great colors there... and I am drooling on your crewel sampler!! I did a crewel project this year and totally feel in love. I am waiting until my holiday sewing is done to start my next one.

  24. Your crewel sampler is simply to die for! That terrain quilt is pretty amazing too!

  25. The Terrain quilt top is perfect - the calm background really makes the wonderful fabric stand out.

  26. Yo have some really neat designs going on there.

  27. Nice work on the sampler and the Terrain quilt!

  28. Your embroidery is amazing. One more thing I need to learn....

  29. I so need to start that sampler! I just adore seeing yours.
