
Friday, January 13, 2012

Citrus Berry Punch :: quilt top

This messy stack of fabric has quickly turned into this super simple, yet sweet baby quilt, in what seems like overnight.

Citrus Berry Punch baby quilt top

Citrus Berry Punch baby quilt top

In all of the quilts that I have made, I have never put together a simple square patchwork quilt, and I thought with the amount of different fabrics I wanted to use, this simple design would fit the bill.

Citrus Berry Punch baby quilt top

I started this quilt using only yellows, greens and oranges with a touch of grey because I needed it to be gender neutral, but on my design wall it just looked sort of blah.  I decided to add a few pops of red with some of my white/red fabrics, which helped the "blah"ness slightly, and on a whim tossed in a few aqua prints which I think really make the quilt and give it life.  

Citrus Berry Punch baby quilt top

This quilt has some of my favorite fun prints, and a few of my absolute last scraps that I could find in my stash, like that little square of Tufted Tweets Birds on Dot, and of course the green chairs.  Just enough fun a whimsy for a pretty gender neutral baby quilt.  

Citrus Berry Punch baby quilt top

As this weekend is the hubby's weekend to work, that means I get the entire weekend to sew!  On the agenda is getting this little guy basted and quilted.  I've been wanting to try out Bertha's walking foot, so I'm thinking some simple straight line quilting following the seams will do.  

What are you sewing this weekend?


  1. Love the variety of fabrics and the nice bright colors! Have a fun sewing weekend!

  2. I love your bright, pretty colors! What a great baby quilt!!!

  3. What a great selection of colours you have there! so simple and so pretty

  4. So bright, cheery and such a gorgeous mix of fabrics! I'm going to sew as much as possible this weekend!! Feel like I've done nothing for ages and I've a ton to do :)

  5. Such a gorgeous array of colours! I'm hoping to get back on my machine and do some paper piecing...after writing an overdue blog post!!

  6. So bright and cheery, Jess, I love it!
    What a lovely sounding weekend!
    I'm traveling this weekend, so will be doing some knitting and hand sewing in the car!

  7. My computer opened your blog post to the comments section so I had to scroll up through your post instead of down. My first reaction to the last photo (which was, of course, the first I saw) was "Wow!" I hope you get that kind of reaction from the baby's mum too!

  8. very pretty Jess - perfect colours for non-specific impending child!

  9. When I saw the name I knew I was going to love this quilt! So simple, but the combination of colors is one of my favorites. The aqua was a perfect complement to the other fabrics! My husband is working this weekend, too, so I'm hoping to get a little more done on my son's quilt while the kids are napping, though I may just join them instead!
