
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday 1.18.2012

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Oh Wednesday, so we meet again.  I feel like we just did this, what, last Wednesday??  Anyways, I would think after a year of participating in WIP Wednesday, the shock that Wednesday always seems to roll around much too soon would have worn off, but it hasn't.  Here's what I've been up to...

New Projects


swoon block #1

swoon block #2

A gal only has so much willpower.  After seeing all the amazing swoon-spiration in Katy's Swoon-along flickr group, I just had to join in the fun.  I am proud of myself that I'm working 100% from my stash (with the exception of buying more solid as needed), and resisted the temptation of doing a little fabric shopping.  More on my Swoon blocks here.

In Progress

Citrus Berry Punch Baby Quilt

I'm EBB here...thats Everything But Binding on this little guy.  He's all quilted, and binding is on the agenda for this evening.  

January Bee Blocks

do. Good Stitches-Inspire circle January

do.Good Stitches-Inspire circle January

These blocks are for Amanda in the Inspire circle of do. Good Stitches.  She asked for Sawtooth star blocks, so I put together these sort of nested stars.  I'm really happy with how these turned out, especially that teeny tiny 3 inch star!  

Jeni sent along some awesome It's a Hoot fabric for our Mod Stitches Bee, and that's on the agenda for this week also.

Ripple Afghan

I've been crocheting away while we feed our obsession of The Big Bang Theory (we recently saw the "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock" episode, and the hubs is now obsessed with finding ways to use this in real life, HA!)  I'm about through one set of all 8 colors, I'm thinking three repeats should make it large enough for a nice snuggle size, so I'm about a third of the way there!

This Weeks Stats:

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 5

January Bee Blocks
Citrus Berry Punch baby quilt
Swoon Quilt
Crochet Afghan
Farmers Wife QAL 

Pop over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!



  1. ok, I just love your Swoon blocks!! mmm.mmm.good!

  2. I love it all. I think my fav is the colors on that baby quilt. So beautiful!

  3. Love your citrus berry punch binding! That is a fab shade of teal, love it! Your swoon blocks are making me so very tempted to join the swoon-along, you're right, a girl only can resist for so long!

  4. Love your crocheted blanket! This is such a good time of year to crochet and watch TV!

    Your Swoon blocks are beautiful. Love that you are using your stash! Good for you!

  5. Great choices on your swoon fabrics! I caved and bought the pattern this week as well! I also love the colors of your ripple afghan!

  6. Oh, look at those gorgeous Swoon blocks. Sooo pretty. And the bee blocks are great too! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  7. I LOVE your nested stars!!! Beautiful. I also love the fact you're getting obsessed with Big Bang! That's a new thing at our house too. In fact, a coworker and I actually used "rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock" the other day. Great way to solve anything. ;o) Keep up the beautiful work!

  8. Those nested stars are super pretty! Love them!

  9. Your Swoon blocks are gorgeous! Make your heart happy just to look at them!

  10. Your swoon blocks are fantastic! And good for you, working from your stash.

  11. Your swoon blocks are to die for. Love, love, love them!

  12. I love the swoon blocks. Seriously I need to make one of these. They are just so simple and lovely.

  13. Those nested stars are so freakin' cool! Great idea.

  14. I love your blue and green Swoon block and that blue binding with the leaves. So pretty!

  15. Your swoon looks great and sew do you star! Great work this week can't wait to see more.

  16. So pretty Jessica! I love the binding you've chosen and the blocks are beautiful :)

  17. Wow, I love it all! I do love the binding and the colors of the baby quilt and that ripple afghan is going to be awesome. I wish I had crochet skills. I can knit fine, but somehow in crochet, I always get lost midway through a pattern. ;-) Those swoon blocks sure are lovely too.

  18. Amazing how Wednesdays keep popping up like that ;o)
