
Monday, February 20, 2012

this? or that?

I've been playing around with my leftover half square triangles from my swoon blocks, and the possibilities seem endless!  I feel like a kid playing with those static cling sticker books, although I actually think this may be way more fun!  I know I want to turn them into two pillow covers, but I just can't settle on a design.  Maybe you can help?

this or that?

Here's the four I've narrowed it down to.  I also haven't decided if I want two of the same design or different designs...decisions, decisions.  I think the only one I've ruled out are the zig zags, but other than that I'm at a loss.  What say you oh wise bloggy friends??


  1. The top right is my favorite, but I like both of the ones on the top. I think that the top two would complement each other with the squares. Good luck on choosing.

  2. Top right ,top left, bottom right, bottom left. Good luck!

  3. They are all great///but I like the top right and the zigzag..

  4. Oh. I was going to vote for the zig zag but since you've ruled it out... Fine then, I'll vote for the square inside the square, the first one :) They're all beautiful and I thank you for the idea of what to do with my swoon left-over squares.

  5. I love all of them! I like the zig zags too, but the other one that catches my eye the most is the bottom left. I like the first one too - it looks like its just asking to be a pillow! Looking forward to seeing what you decide on!

  6. Top right, or bottom left. LOVE them all! I had fun with my leftover HSTs from swoon too. :)

  7. I like the top two as complimentary ones for different cases. If you are going with just one design I number two or the top right one is my favourite. I think the others are too busy. These all look great though.

  8. I'm on my own here, it seems! I LOVE the bottom left one! It seems so calm because of its 'sameness', if you get what I mean!

  9. Right top and bottom. Love the zig zag!

  10. I am liking the diamonds, top right. Can't wait to see what you end up with.

  11. I think the two on the right are my favorites. :) Very pretty!

  12. I am loving the top right one, too, though the square in square is nice, as well.

  13. Love the top row!! Awesome HST layouts :)

  14. I love the top right one. They all look great!

  15. I love that top right layout... it's my fav by far. Next would be the bottom left, since the zig zags are out! :)
    You really can't go wrong!

  16. I love the top ones best. I think the left top is my favorite.

  17. Oh I liked the zig zag hahaha so the second one, reminds me of neighbours over the back fence, not sure why hahahaha

  18. Gosh, it seems to be unanimous! I like the top right as well - it's unusual, striking and really draws your eye to it and around it.

  19. I love the top right most, but I can see you could have hours of fun rearranging these :oD

  20. Top right is my fave! But I say go for 2 different ones!

  21. I love the two on the left! The bottom left is my favourite - gorgeousness!!

  22. Oooh, those chevrons are cheerful :-)

  23. I like them all so I'm no use in your decision making process!

  24. I like the one in the top right and the zig-zags! They look great!

  25. I like the top right the most. Second choice is top left.

  26. Bottom left first, then top right. Those would be my first two choices.

    Guess it's safe to say we are all as undecided as you are! :D

  27. I like the top right and the zig zag
    any one will be gorgeous!

  28. I like the top two but especially the top right.

  29. So funny -- it looks like the votes are almost evenly divided! I vote for the chevron (bottom right).

  30. They're all nice options but I must say I have a weakness for the zig zag. My second choice is the top right.

  31. Oh Man, Dont say you ruled out the Zig Zags, thats the one I would do for sure Jess!

  32. I'd try #1 - the top left one - but turned on point.
