
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP Wednesday {4.11.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Happy WIP Wednesday!  I hope everyone had a very enjoyable holiday weekend, I know we certainly did (and got to enjoy a rare 3 day weekend, woohoo!)  I feel like I am now coming out of a sugar induced coma from all the chocolate and sweets that have been mean to tell me that eating chocolate bunnies and peeps for breakfast is NOT healthy and nutritious??  Anyways, in the midst of running here and there doing the family holiday thing, I did manage some time down in my sewing room, here's whats new:

In Progress

Granny Squares Quilt Top

I finished up my granny squares baby quilt top, and am so so happy with it.  The quilt back is pieced, and will be basted just as soon as I can get to Joann's for more batting!  More on this quilt top here.

New Projects

Owl-y Chain Link baby quilt


While over-indulging on super yummy things this weekend, my aunt asked if I could make a baby quilt for a good friend of hers who is expecting a little boy.  Of course I said yes.  She told me the mom really likes "cute little owls" as the theme for the nursery, and when I said I had just the perfect owl fabric, she looked at me like I had two heads, and I believe she said, "you actually have fabric on hand that has owls on it??"  And to that I explained that it was just the benefit of being addicted to buying fabric, haha.  Anyways I cut my fabric pieces, and am planning on using Amy's Chain Linked pattern as my inspiration, with the size doctored a little to make it baby quilt size.  

That's about it for this weeks goings-on!  Elizabeth tagged me in her recent post with some super fun quilty and non quilty  questions, so look for a bloggy post coming soon!

What have you been working on lately?  Head over the Freshly Pieced and link up!


  1. Your granny square quilt is one of my them side by side!

  2. This granny square quilt is beautiful! I want to make one SO BAD ... maybe this summer if I have more time.

  3. I love your granny square quilt. I've just been sitting in front of my computer, drooling over it! So bright and fun! And your owls are going to be a super cute baby quilt!

  4. I love how you've put together the granny squares! It is beautiful with all those bright colors! So nice :)

  5. Your grannies are so pretty!! The bright colours are awesome. And the chain link quilt will be very cute with those owls.

  6. Still loving your granny squares! I really like how you laid it out without the block borders. Amy's Chain Linked pattern is a fun one, can't wait to see what you do with it! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  7. wow! what a wonderful quilt. Love it. i've only made 12 granny squares so far.The owl fabric for your new project is awesome. can't wait to see the quilt.

  8. Love your granny quilt...gorgeous!!

  9. Your granny quilt looks great. I just made my first granny square today - only ??? to go.

  10. Loving your granny baby, and the owly baby's going to be cute!

  11. Your granny squares quilt is so lovely!
