
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WIP Wednesday {4.25.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Happy Wednesday!  Its been quite a week, completely aside from sewing, Mother Nature is playing cruel tricks on us in these parts, we went from 80 degree weather on Friday, to snow on Monday (real the local kids didn't have school snow) to mid 60 degree weather today.  Whaaaat??  Anyways, I've been sewing away, my aunt and I had a little sewing date last week to show her how to FMQ her quilt, and aside from that I've been scalloping away!  Here's whats new:

In Progress

DP Scallop Quilt

scallop quilt top

I sewed my little hearts out to get this top put together this weekend, and I couldn't be happier with how this turned out.  I'll be putting together a little tutorial when I finish up this quilt, be on the lookout if your interested.  More about Mr. Scallop here.


The other day I took advantage of my clean floors, had a little basting party, and then got to quilting.  I decided to branch out of my normal quilting pattern and try something new.  Ever since seeing Elizabeth's baptist fan quilting, I have been wanting to try it out.  I thought this quilt might be a good opportunity, but didn't want something quite so ordered and structured since the quilt its self is pretty ordered and structured.  I played around a little and settled on this design that I'm calling "Liberated baptist fans" sort of the same idea, but my arches go every which way.  It's taking forever to quilt it this way, and my arms and shoulders feel like they got a good workout after each quilting session, but I think it will be well worth it in the end.   

Granny Squares Baby Quilt


During my little basting party, I pulled out my granny squares quilt top, and let it join in the fun as well.  Granny will get some TLC soon, and be off to its new home hopefully in the next few days. 

Bee Blocks

No pics here, but I have bee blocks out to wazoo that are crying for attention this weekend.  Seeing as how Monday is the last day in April, nothing like waiting to the last minute :-)

What have you been working on?  Head over to Freshly Pieced and link up!


  1. Ooh! I love your scallops quilt. It looks like a field of ice cream cones. Your quilting is lovely too. I can totally see how spending a little extra time on this part of the process pays off in spades for the finished project.

  2. Love your scallops quilt! That is just gorgeous!

  3. I absolutely love this quilt! The colors just scream 'summer'! I'll definitely be on the lookout for a tutorial...

  4. Hi Jess....thanks for your wonderful comment on the dresdens..they are so easy to put together. I love your scallop quilt..anxious to see your tutorial too..

  5. I love your Scallop Quilt. Great colors. I'll be watching closely for the tutorial.

  6. Looking forward to seeing how that quilting works out. I love the look of a baptist fan, and the thought of a liberated one...even better!

  7. Wow, the scallop quilt is gorgeous! I can't wait for a tutorial!

  8. Still love that scallop quilt. It's fantastic! Good luck getting all your bee blocks done in time. :)

  9. Oooh, awesome quilting choice for your Scallop quilt!! Can't wait to see how it turns out :)

  10. The scallops look great and I'm anxious to see what you are doing with your granny squares!

  11. The scallops are fabulous and the way you quilted the arches is great, can't wait for the how to tutorial - thanks.

  12. Ooh, loving the look of the quilting on those scallops, and so glad granny's getting some love too!

  13. Oh my do I love those scallops! That is definitely on my to-do list :)

  14. Can't wait for the tutorial! The scallops and the baptist fans look gorgeous!

  15. I can't wait to see more of the quilting on your scallops quilt, what a perfect choice!

  16. Oooh, I can't wait to see the liberated fan quilting! Everything looks great, Jess. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
