
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WIP Wednesday {4.4.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Oh Wednesday, we meet again.  We've had quite a busy week running here and there it seems, so I'm surprised I've gotten as much sewing done as I have.  This was the hubs weekend off, so it seems we cram about  three weekends worth of stuff into two days, whew!  Anyways, here's whats new in the sewing room:

Completed Projects

4x5 Bee quarter 1 hive 10 blocks

I spent some time finishing up my bee blocks for my hivemates in the 4x5 bee.  I struggled a little this round on what block to make, and ultimately decided on taking Rachel from In Color Order's Wheel Quilt Pattern and shrinking it down to 12.5" block size.   Overall I'm very happy with how these turned out, and can't wait to make the pattern in actual quilt size!

New Projects

Granny Squares Baby Quilt

Granny squares progress

For starters, pardon the crapalicious cell phone pic here, bad lighting+cell phone camera in general= not good at all.  But, its all I could manage this morning before heading out the door to work.  Ever since seeing Jolene's granny squares quilt  way back when, I knew I wanted to make some of these little guys, but it seemed I was always in the middle of something else and couldn't get around to it.  I figured no time like the present, and this week got to work.  I'm doing mine a little differently, after seeing Michelle's granny squares mini without the sashing, I knew this was how I wanted mine.  I'm piecing them together in rows first, and then will sew all the rows together on the diagonal.  I'm itching to get this top pieced, as I can already tell it will be a favorite.  

I've officially lost count of technically all the "WIPs" I have going on, so I'm deciding to leave off the number count and focus just on what I'm working on this week.  Much less stressful, I figure I don't need reminding about all projects I haven't touched in 3 months (ahem, Farmers Wife QAL)..I'll get back to it eventually...maybe...

So, what have you been working on this week??  Head over to Freshly Pieced and link up!   


  1. Glad to see your granny square layout - I really like this!

  2. Your bee blocks are great! In the bees I'm in, so far no one has chosen a tricky block, they've all be ones you can put together in 10 or so minutes. I'm really looking forward to a challenge!

  3. Love your bee blocks! And you're granny squares are going to look fab :o)

  4. I know what you mean about leaving off the things that haven't gotten touched in months, I'm right there with you :) I think your granny squares quilt is really gorgeous, I love the colors! And your 4x5 blocks look awesome, too, you're rocking those curves!

  5. It all looks great as usual! I love how you are doing your granny squares. I'm thinking of doing the same. I love seeing how it looks.

  6. These blocks look great and will make a lovely baby quilt: )

  7. Your bee blocks are gorgeous! All I worked on this weekend was granny squares, so your granny should come meet my granny--I think they would really like each other! That is going to be one beautiful quilt.

  8. I like your Bee blocks, the fabrics are great. Granny Squares I love those. I need to make some of those. BTW your photo from your phone is actually quite good.

  9. Great job, especially with such a busy weekend! I've been holding out on the grannies until I had a cunning plan. I now have a plan, so need to find time...

  10. Love your Bee Blocks - they look great, and of course gotta love those Granny Squares! They're tons of fun to make.

  11. Oh wow, that's a really neat variation on the granny square! Will be just lovely.

  12. Great Bee blocks and your Granny Squares are wonderful. It's going to be a lovely quilt.

  13. Great setting for the Granny Squares! It's going to be a great quilt! Nothing wrong with the photo (from here!) BTW. I use my phone for all my photos now! Much easier!

  14. What an awesome take on the Granny squares - love it!

  15. I really like your granny square layout. I've saved this post so I can go back and maybe start one of my own one day. Thanks for sharing

  16. I, too, really like you layout, fabulous!
