
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

completed owl-y quilt


Despite coming down with a dreaded spring head cold/sinus infection this past weekend that left me just sick, icky and exhausted, I managed to squeeze in a little quality sewing time, and finished up this adorable baby quilt.  I used Amy's Chain Linked pattern as my inspiration, and doctored the block size a little, to fit to a sweet little baby quilt.  


I really love the geometric pattern with the aqua and white, and how it still features larger sized charms in a slightly different way.  As  I mentioned last time, this quilt was a commissioned baby quilt for my aunt who is gifting it to a co-worker.  She told me that the mom was doing the nursery with lots of "cute little owls" and I knew just the fabric.  I pulled out my remaining scraps of this Anne Kelle Urban Zoologie owl fabric, and paired it with a few coordinating prints in blues, greens and yellows, and a baby quilt was born.  


Since my FMQ foot is still out of commission, and they are apparently back-ordered at the store (grumble...) I pulled out my old machine to do some fun loopy FMQing.  Man, it really made me appreciate my new machine all that much more!  I think I am starting to like these fun loops even more than stippling.  It was just enough fun an whimsy to go with those adorable owls.


I hope the new mommy to be loves these owls as much as I do!


Quilt Stats
Quilt Name:  Owl-y chain linked baby quilt
Quilt Pattern: based on Amy's Chain Linked Pattern
Quilt Size:  39" x 45"
Fabrics:  Anne Kelle Urban Zoologie Owls, Kona White, Kona Aqua, and assorted coordinating prints
Quilting:  Loopy all over FMQ done by me on my home machine


  1. Very cute! I have a daughter who loves owls...she would soo love this quilt!

  2. It's adorable Jessica! I love your loopy FMQ.

  3. That turned out so well! Perfect for a modern baby!

  4. very cute Jess...your quilting is always lovely.

  5. It's so cute!
    And I love your loops - very fun and perfect for this quilt!

  6. Loving the loops, the whole thing looks fab!

  7. The aqua and white looks so fresh... like Aqua Fresh! Haha. Love it--great job, Jess!
