
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday {5.30.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

It's been quite a week around these parts!  Lots of family time and barbecues this weekend, but I did manage a few chunks of quality sewing time.  Of course this was squeezed in between sneezes and nose blowing, and just waiting for this stupid head cold/sinus icky-ness to pass...yes still waiting...ugh.  Anyways, achoo!  On with this weeks projects:

Completed Projects

Owl-y baby quilt


This little guy is finished and on its way to its new home.  More on this quilt here.

May Bee Blocks 

do. Good Stitches May- Imagine Circle

do. Good Stitches May- Imagine Circle

These blocks were made using Elizabeth's Radiant Ring tutorial (which is awesome!) and are for Toni in the Imagine circle of do. Good Stitches.  This quilt will be so bright and cheery, can't wait to see it come together!

New and In Progress

EZ Dresden Project


This is the carnage of a little stitching, slicing and dicing using the EZ Dresden Ruler.  I'll be showing the finished project as part of the EZ Dresden Challenge Blog Hop next month, so stay tuned!

That about sums up this weeks projects!  I've also been plugging and chugging away on quilting my do. Good Stitches Japanese x and + quilt.  Hopefully in the next few days I'll be finishing up the quilting and shipping it off to Threading Hope.  Be sure to head over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!


  1. Love your little quilt. Baby should too : ) Your radiant ring block is on my to do list. Happy stitching.

  2. Your Owl Quilt looks very cuddly. How sweet!

  3. That owl quilt is so cute! I love the swirly quilting. And the Radiant Ring blocks look fabulous. So bright and fun, just what I wanted!

  4. great projects. Can't wait to see what your Dresden project will look like. I'm sure it will be something wonderful.

  5. I like the owl quilt looks like you have been up to some good stuff.

  6. Love the bee blocks. So bright and cheerful.

    And oooh, are you making a patchwork dresden? Can't wait to see more of that!

  7. I'm incredibly intrigued by the dresden project! I have the EZ ruler, just dont use it much... excited to see what you do!

  8. Love your little owl-y quilt!

  9. Love the Dresden...can't wait to see it put together

  10. Love your Owl-y-quilt. I'm crazy about owls.
    Can't wait to see your dresdens. I love the DS fabric.

  11. Ooooh, I'm intrigued by your dresden pieces, can't wait to see what you're up to with it!

  12. Hi Jessica! I love that beautiful quilt with those cute, little owls! Your new blocks are great, like flowers! And dresden ... wow, I'm looking forward how you will make it! x Teje

  13. I'm loving the looks of your dresden cuts! Love your owl quilt too! So cute!

  14. Ooo, can't wait to see more of the Dresdens!
    And those radiant rings are awesome, so bright and cheery!

  15. You've been busy. Love the bee blocks. So many new designs to try out.

  16. cute Owls! :) someone will be very happy to open that box!

  17. I love the Owl quilt, and I'm pumped about this dresden situation!

  18. Loving all the different coloured fabrics you've been ploughing your way through this week :o)

  19. That owlie quilt is darling. Love those radiant rings. And can't wait to see your EZ Dresden project. Those scraps would make a fun project too.
