
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

something new.


I have been itching to start something new, and with summer having set in, and feeling like I have less and less time down in my sewing room, I thought a hand sewing project was just the ticket.  Something sort of mindless that I can take along on various upcoming trips, or easily transport to sit outside on the deck while enjoying the beautiful weather.   


For the moment anyway, I have my eyes set on a scrappy hexie quilt.  I have been trying to tame my scrap bins, and this might actually help me make a dent, as it looks like I'll need about 1200 1" hexagons for a throw size quilt.  I dug out my paper hexagon templates, scrap bins, and used my Accuquilt GO! Baby and hexagon die (the 3" die works perfectly for 1" hexagons) to quickly cut a whole slew of fabric hexagons to start basting.  I am using the common English Paper Piecing method, if your interested, Christina has a great post from a while back with a review of a bunch of different variations to EPP.


I'm not quite sure of where this is going just yet layout-wise, I can't decide between going completely scrappy (like this and this) or a more "controlled" scrappy, by piecing together scrappy flowers like above.  I'm really torn.  What do you think??  I stitched together a few flowers to see what I thought, but I'm still undecided.


For the time being, I suppose I'll baste until my fingers fall off, and go from there.  What about you?  Do you have any on-the-go project favorites??


  1. Those are such lovely colours. I've got a heap of hexies of my own that were supposed to be destined to be a cushion cover, but seeing yours, I'm now hankering after a whole quilt. Guess this could take a while!

    I like the scrappy flower arrangement best - enough variety to keep interest, but enough order to be pleasing.

    Most inspiring post, thank you! And especially for those links - could make my next set of hexies go much faster!

  2. My favorite on-the-go hand project is hand-piecing. Never anything easy though! If it's a matter of sewing a straight seam, why take the time to do it by hand? So, I like to hand piece curves and set-in seams (like your hexagons). My recent project has starfish shapes:
    One of these days, I'm going to lose my resistance and make a hexagon quilt.

  3. I love your hexies - fabulous colours! I love hand piecing and I'm still piecing hexies from Lynne's hex-a-long last summer, I think I'm about 75% there...

  4. I have also started a hexie project but seems too overwhelming to do the whole quilt so I was going to start with binder cover or pillow and go from there. I love your colors on your scraps and really like the flowers best but of course all over scrappy is good too. Good luck!

  5. Your fabrics are wonderful! Why don't you do a little of both? Some scrappiness with some flowers scattered around?

  6. Ooh! I have a half-started hexie project I need to work on! But I love your scrappy flowers! Great fabrics too!

  7. YOur hexies look fantasti. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  8. Oh, love these hexes! This is my summer project also -I hope to start mine as soon as a finish the quilt I need to make for a gift. Love the scrappy look!

  9. Love the scrappy look and with your bright colours it would be amazing.

  10. This will be great Jess! I reckon a combination of scrappy and planned would be fun.

  11. I'm loving your hexies. I like the flowers best! Yes it definitely takes awhile but I can't wait to see the end result!

  12. Cool!! I just made my first hexagons the other day, and I can totally see how they could be addictive! I love all the fabrics you're using, they're so fun, and I think your flowers do look really cute!

  13. I enjoy your hexies ; they look so fun and colorful, and organized, stacked in piles, waiting to be sewn together! I like Jess's idea of using both flowers and scrappy piecework! I have been making lots of yo-yos, during my son's baseball games to fill the time wspent watching- have quite a basketful

  14. I've been English paper piecing rose star blocks, and I love them! Perfect take along project :-D

  15. Hi Jess,....long time since I've peeped in at your work. I'm not disappointed ! You're still cranking out the lovely goodies !

    I'm crazy about your "controlled scrappy" hexies...they look much better than the wild scrap chaos, in my opinion. Yours are just gorgeous laid out the way you have them. You're going to make another gorgeous quilt, and enjoy taking your time at it !

  16. Lovely hexagons. Hand piecing can be very addictive :)

  17. I love hexies, such fun to pick up whenever you have a wee moment :o)

  18. Well I'm no help because I like both ways. Guess you could make 2 small quilts. mmm probably not huh?
    Love all the colors
