
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Quilt Market Quilt

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While I wasn't able to attend quilt market this year, one of my quilts did make the trip!  I think this quilt was made from start to finish in about 6 days, and was certainly the fastest quilting I've done in some time.  Elyse from Westminster fabrics asked if I could make a last minute quilt to display in their booth, and of course I couldn't say no.  A day later this giant stack of fabrics arrived at my doorstep and I got to work.  


While admittedly  these are not fabrics I am typically drawn to, it was fun playing with fabric that were a little different style.  The fabric is Camille by Melissa White for Westminster fabric, and as a whole really plays well together, with the bright bold fabrics being balanced with a few more muted patterns.  It sort of gives me a vintage sheets sort of vibe, with maybe some Kaffe Fasset-ness thrown in.  


I used my starburst cross block tutorial, and decided to play with color value, by pairing up the light and dark fabrics, so each fabric was represented equally.

Thanks Lee for snapping this pic while you were at quilt market!!

Here it is in the Westminster booth at market, see it there in the center??

Quilt Stats:

Name:  Camille Starburst Cross 
Pattern:  made using my Starburst Cross block tutorial
Size:  48" x 60"
Quilting:  Allover meandering Stipple done by me on my home machine


  1. It's really beautiful. Congratulations on being featured at market!

  2. What a beautiful quilt. Inspirational. Thanks for the link to your tutorial too.


  3. I love your quilt. Congratulations on having it at quilt market. Thank you for the tutorial.

  4. Wow what an honor! You should feel very proud it is really gorgeous.

  5. I had a quilt at Market, too. It's so fun, isn't it?

  6. Wow, great job on getting the quilt done so fast! It looks great in the booth!

  7. Love the quilt- even if it was out of your normal zone.

  8. Hi Jessica! Your quilt is so beautiful! Wow you made it really quickly and the pattern is not the most simple! Beautiful colours and fabrics, too! x Teje

  9. No problem lady - sorry it wasn't the greatest shot! (I didn't want to take my big camera, so I was just using my phone.) It is a gorgeous quilt and I'm so excited for you that you were able to tackle it in such a short amount of time and get it in there! : )

  10. How fun to have a quilt there. Beautifully done!

  11. Jessica - Congratulations on having your quilt at market!

  12. Your quilts are amazing - found you via Pinterest. Pay no mind if you see stats for someone pinning every single one of your posts; it's just me making a "bucket list."

  13. So far I've only tried FMG on small things but I this could inspire me to get more adventurous and do something with greater impact. Love your color choices.

  14. Fabulous quilt! Wonderful color/value study. lovely pattern.

  15. Oh, MY! I just saw this quilt in a Rowan ad on the back cover of the Quiltmaker January/February '13 magazine and fell in love. It took me a while to track it down, but I was determined and I found it/you! LOVE IT. I hope to make one of these, someday (maybe this year)...?
